Profile Options

Use profile options to manage user preferences and control the general function of applications. For example, you can control user preferences involving language, date, time, currency, and other similar general settings.

You can create a profile option and also determine the level at which that profile option takes effect. You can also define the profile values for the profile option. The profile values appear on the Manage Administrator Profile Values page when you select the profile option.

Creating a Profile Option

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Profile Options task.

  2. On the page, click Actions > New.

  3. On the Create Profile Option page, fill all the fields with relevant details with specific attention to the following:

    • Use the SQL Validation field to provide an SQL statement that displays the permissible profile values to be used. Using an SQL statement, you can select the values from another table and display them as a list of values.

      For example, to display the values Yes and No from a lookup table, you can use the following SQL statement:


      As a result, on the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, the profile values Yes and No are available for selection for that profile option.

    • You can specify a date range to keep the profile option active during that period. Beyond the specified duration, the profile option automatically becomes inactive. If you no longer require the profile option, you must manually delete it from the Manage Profile Options page.

  4. Click Save and Close.

  5. On the Manage Profile Options page, search for the newly created profile option and from the results, select it.

  6. In the Profile Option Levels section, do the following:

    1. In Enabled, select the levels at which you want to enable the profile option.


      You can enable a profile option at multiple levels, but a higher-level profile value overrides a lower-level value. Therefore, enable them only at the required levels.

    2. In Updatable, select the profile level at which you want implementors to have update privileges. Leave the check box deselected if you don't want the implementors to modify the profile values (they appear in read-only mode).

  7. Click Save and Close.

To edit a profile option that you created, search for it and edit the necessary details.

  • While creating and editing profile options and profile categories, you can translate the details to the preferred languages without changing the language session of the application. To specify the translations in all the enabled language rows, use the Translation Editor option. Once the updates are made, users can view the translated text for the specific details.
  • If you want to access the profile option using REST API, you must add it to the Authenticated User Profile Option Values (ORA_FND_AUTH_REST_ACCESS) profile category.