Here's how you can populate someone's salary amount from grade ladder rates during HR
actions that change their grade ladder, grade, or step. Examples of these HR actions are Hire,
Transfer, and Promote.
Set up your rates using the Progression Grade Ladders task, not the Manage Grade
Ladders task.
- Set Include Salary Updates to Yes.
- Set Salary Calculation Method to Use grade step rate.
Make sure that people have a salary basis where the salary amount is determined by
user or simple component. If you select any other salary basis type, the grade ladder
won't default the salary amount. If it uses simple components, the salary basis needs
to include a Progression grade ladder rate component. You configure salary bases
using the Salary Basis task.
- Include the Salary section in your HR action. You might need to configuration
responsive pages using Transaction Design Studio in HCM Experience Design Studio.
- Include the Grade Ladder, Grade, and Step attributes in your HR action. You need to
configure responsive pages, using Transaction Design Studio in HCM Experience Design
Exception: If your grades don't have steps, then you don't need to include
the Step attribute in your HR actions.
To default the salary amount from the grade ladder when you hire someone, you need
to select the salary basis. Also select the grade ladder, grade, and step.