General and Watchlist Global Settings for Workforce Compensation Plans

You can configure global settings that affect all workforce compensation plans and plan managers. You can override various global settings when you configure workforce compensation plans.


You can let managers switch to a subordinate manager and move among that manager's plans. You can also validate country budgets, set how many recently searched managers to display, and enable click-to-edit in task worksheets. And you can include the Save and Close button on task worksheets, either as an additional option on the standard Save button or beside it. To aid managers with worksheets for different assignments, you can enable up to two assignment differentiators, such as Job and Location. The differentiators then show in hover text for the plan switcher as well as in plan, budget, and worksheet headers.


You can show managers the number of active budget pools and plans in their watchlists. You can also show them their newly published budgets and newly active plans. And you can set the number of days that the budget and plan information remains in their watchlists.