Examples of Person Records for the US

You create a person record when you:

  • Hire a worker

  • Rehire an employee

  • On-board a retiree

  • Transition an employee to retiree

  • Add the contact of another person

Person records are global, independent of legal employers, and created once only for any person.

  • When the person leaves the enterprise, you terminate the person's work relationships.

  • If the person later rejoins the enterprise, you create a new work relationship.

    The person record continues to exist, even if:

    1. The person has no current work relationships in the enterprise.

    2. They have no current contact relationships with other workers.

  • When you add a person, if you click any of the fields in the Managers section, specify a value for the required fields. Otherwise, you won't be able to proceed with the transaction.

How You Hire a Worker

The New Hire process is the first task in the workforce lifecycle.


Before you can hire an employee, you must have already defined all available business units, jobs, grades, departments, locations, overtime periods, and other payroll values must have been previously defined. The business unit you select determines which job, grades, and department you can select.

There are several person types you can onboard.

Person type

What task you use


Hire an Employee

Contingent Worker

Add a Contingent Worker


Add a Nonworker

Pending Worker

Add a Pending Worker

For example, to hire an employee:

  1. From My Client Groups quick actions, click Hire an Employee.

  2. On Identification, provide the required info in Basic Details.

  3. Provide the required info in Personal Details.


    Date of Birth isn't required for HR implementations.

    However, you can't assign a payroll to a worker if you don't provide a date of birth.

  4. In National Identifiers, click Add Row to enter the Social Security number.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On Person Information, provide an address that conforms to the predefined address format in Home Address.

    Enter the ZIP Code first to automatically populate the city, county, and state.


    All employees you plan to attach to a payroll must have a home address throughout their period of employment. You can't delete or end-date the home address of a person who has been assigned to a payroll.

    To add another address to your employee's record, such as a mailing address, do so after completing the hiring process. On the Manage Person page, click Add next to Addresses. By doing this, you can add additional Mailing Address and Resident Tax Address types.

    You can't add multiple addresses for a given address type on a given effective date.

  7. Specify any of the following optional info.

    • Phone and email

    • Marital status

    • Ethnicity and race

    • Veteran self identification

    • Citizenship and Visa information

    • Emergency contacts

    Some of these fields are required for HR reporting, such as EEO and VETS.

  8. Click Next.

  9. On Employment Information, enter the following.

    • Work relationship

    • Payroll relationship

    • Assignment

    • Job

    • Manager

    • Payroll

    • Salary details

  10. Use Payroll Details to associate a TRU and payroll with the employee.

    If you opt not to, this employee won't automatically receive a Tax Withholding card, including the Federal W-4. You must create it manually.

    For further info, see Tax Withholding Card in the Help Center.

  11. For nonpayroll implementations, attach the person to a reporting establishment.

    For EEO reporting, persons without a reporting establishment are associated with a default TRU. The EEO-1 report process uses TRU for the New Hire Report in the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task.

    Assigning the employee to a reporting establishment isn't required for payroll implementations.

  12. Click Submit.

When You Rehire an Employee

When you rehire an employee:

  1. Because your enterprise previously employed the person, they already have a person record.

  2. When you attempt to hire them, the task finds their existing person record.

  3. When you confirm that the existing record is theirs, you continue the rehire process by creating an employee work relationship with their new legal employer.

When You On-Board a Retiree

To add a retiree to your organization as a new person record:

  1. Select New Person in Workforce Management.

  2. Select Add a Nonworker.

  3. On Identification, provide the required info in Basic Details.

    Field name

    What you enter

    Start Date

    Date the person retired


    Add Non-Worker

    Nonworker Type


  4. Provide the required info in Personal Details.


    Date of Birth isn't required for HR implementations.

    However, you can't assign a payroll to a worker if you don't provide a date of birth.

  5. Use National Identifiers to enter one of the following.

    • Social Security Number (SSN)

    • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)

      Used for individuals who have a US taxpayer ID but aren't eligible to obtain an SSN.

    • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

      Also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Use this when the payments and Form 1099-R go to a nonperson entity, such as an estate.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On Person Information, provide an address that conforms to the predefined address format in Home Address.

    All retirees you attach to a payroll must have a home address throughout their period of paid retirement. You can't delete or end-date the home address of a person who has been assigned to a payroll. When you enter a new address for a retiree, the task automatically end-dates the old address record for you.

    Enter the ZIP Code first to automatically populate the city, county, and state.


    To add another address to your employee's record, such as a mailing address, do so after completing the on-boarding process. On the Manage Person page, click Add next to Addresses. By doing this, you can add additional Mailing Address and Resident Tax Address types.

    You can't add multiple addresses for a given address type on a given effective date.

  8. Specify any of the following optional information.

    • Phone Details

    • Email Details

    • Info in Legislative Information

      • Marital status

      • Education level

      • Ethnicity and race

      • Veteran self identification


      Ethnicity and Veteran fields are required for EEO and VETS reporting.

    • Citizenship and Visa Information

    • Emergency Contacts

  9. Click Next.

  10. On Employment Information, provide the necessary assignment details.

    An assignment is required for the retiree to be included in payroll processing and receive payments.

    Required fields are:

    Field name

    What you enter

    Business Unit

    Person Type


    Assignment Status

    Active - Payroll Eligible





    Use Payroll Details to associate a TRU and payroll with the retiree. If you opt not to, this retiree wouldn't automatically receive a Tax Withholding Card, and you would have to create it manually. For further info, see the Manual Tax Withholding Card Creation section.

  11. Use Payroll Details to associate a TRU and payroll with the employee.

    If you opt not to, this employee wouldn't automatically receive a Tax Withholding card, and you would have to create it manually.

    For further info, see Tax Withholding Card in the Help Center.

  12. Click Next.

  13. On Compensation and Other Information, provide the salary basis and salary amount if your retiree is eligible for periodic payments.

  14. Click Next.

  15. Review your entered data, and click Submit.

How You Transition an Employee to Retiree

To transition an existing employee into retiree status:

  1. Terminate the employee record.

  2. In My Client Groups quick links, click Add a Nonworker.

  3. On Identification, provide the required info in Basic Details, including the following.

    Field Name


    Start Date

    Date the person retired


    Add Non-Worker

    Nonworker Type


  4. Provide the required info in Personal Details.


    Date of Birth isn't required for HR implementations.

    You can't assign a payroll to a worker if you don't enter a date of birth.

  5. Use National Identifiers to enter one of the following.

    • SSN

    • ITIN

      Typically used by individuals who have a US taxpayer ID but aren't eligible to obtain an SSN.

    • TIN

      Use this when the payments and Form 1099-R go to a nonperson entity, such as an estate.

  6. Click Next.

    This returns a warning message that a matching person record already exists.

  7. Click Select Person.

  8. Select Yes on the resulting warning message.

    The person's prior personal info automatically populates.

  9. Add or update this info as needed.

  10. Click Next.

  11. On Employment Information, provide the necessary assignment details.

    An assignment is required for the retiree to be included in payroll processing and receive payments.

    Required fields are:

    Field Name


    Business Unit

    Person Type


    Assignment Status

    Active - Payroll Eligible





    The Tax Withholding for Pensions and Annuities card doesn't automatically establish a TRU association.

  12. Click Next.

  13. On Compensation and Other Information, provide the salary basis and salary amount if your retiree is eligible for periodic payments.

  14. Click Next.

  15. Review your entered data, and click Submit.

  16. Start the Calculation Cards task, and open the person's Tax Withholding for Pensions and Annuities card for editing.

  17. Create the appropriate tax card TRU association.

When You Add the Contact of Another Person

In this example, Mary Wood starts her employment with the enterprise tomorrow.

  • Mary has never been an employee, contingent worker, or nonworker in any legal employer in the enterprise.

  • Mary is married to Joe Wood, who's a contingent worker elsewhere in the enterprise.

  • Joe has identified Mary as an emergency contact; therefore, Mary already has a person record.

When you attempt to hire Mary, if there is enough info in her contact record to identify her, the application finds her existing person record.

You continue the hiring process by creating an employee work relationship with the new legal employer. Otherwise, the hiring process creates both a person record and a work relationship for Mary.