Manually Upgrade Involuntary Deductions for Use with Pretax Iteration

Use these steps to allow your older involuntary deduction elements to work with pretax deduction elements you've enabled for iterative functionality.

This involves editing the base fast formula for each involuntary deduction element.


These steps aren't necessary for:

  • Involuntary deduction elements you created for Release 18C or later

  • Any involuntary deduction elements you have already upgraded for the recalculation of disposable income

    For further info, see Upgrade Involuntary Deductions for the US in the Help Center.

To upgrade your elements:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Show More.

  2. In Payroll, click Fast Formulas.

  3. Open the <element name>_Base formula for editing.

  4. Search for the following statement.

    IF(l_tmp_rel_action_id <> l_payroll_rel_action_id) THEN
  5. Replace this line with the following.

    /*Pretax Iteration Flag Key is needed to cleanup the Global WSA cache*/l_pretax_iterator_flag_key = 'PRETAX_ITERATE_FLAG_'||TO_CHAR(l_payroll_rel_action_id)l_pretax_iterator_flag = WSA_GET(l_pretax_iterator_flag_key,'N')l_prev_pretax_iter_counter_key = 'PRETAX_ITERATE_PREV_COUNTER_'||TO_CHAR(l_payroll_rel_action_id)l_prev_pretax_iter_counter = WSA_GET(l_prev_pretax_iter_counter_key, 0)dummy = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('(GLBINV_BASE) Previous Pretax Iteration counter ::::' || to_char(l_prev_pretax_iter_counter))GLB_PRETAX_ITERATE_COUNTER_KEY = 'PRETAX_ITERATE_COUNTER_'||TO_CHAR( l_payroll_rel_action_id)l_pretax_iterate_counter =WSA_GET(GLB_PRETAX_ITERATE_COUNTER_KEY,0)dummy =PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('(GLBINV_BASE) GLB_PRETAX_ITERATE_COUNTER=' ||to_char(l_pretax_iterate_counter))/* Call formula to clean WSA variables */IF(l_tmp_rel_action_id <> l_payroll_rel_action_id OR ( l_pretax_iterator_flag = 'Y' AND l_prev_pretax_iter_counter!= l_pretax_iterate_counter ) ) THEN
  6. Save and compile the formula

  7. Repeat for each involuntary deduction base-element formula.