Required Worker Info for Third-Party Tax Reporting for the US

The third-party tax filing extracts include employee and retiree data. They pass data for person types that support payroll processing. In addition to the fields required for HR and payroll processing, there are some fields that might be needed for accurate reporting.

See the following for details.

For these fields

Consider the following

Birth Date

Use Date of Birth either in the Person task or through the New Hire flow.

The quarterly tax file passes this value for all employees. ADP uses this value in these cases.

  • Puerto Rico employees reporting Code E in Box 16 or 16A of their Form W-2PR.

  • Employees subject to Washington Long Term Care tax.

Employee ID

The employee ID is passed on the E record for the monthly and quarterly files. This 12-digit code is derived for both employees and retirees by the following.

  • First two characters of the first name

    If the first name is missing, uses literal FF.

  • First two characters of the last name

  • 8 digits from the National Identifier

    It uses the following matrix to determine which digits to use.

    Matrix of National ID digit and Code

For example, John Smith 123-45-6789 would become JOSM32769854.

You can use this value to search for employees in MasterTax. It isn't used by ADP.

Social Security Number

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

The employee's primary national identifier is passed on the E record. This can be either their Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), whichever is most recent.

If you update this identifier during the year, confirm that the extract passes the correct number to the provider. You might need to send corrected quarter files with the proper identifier.


If your employee has no SSN or ITIN, it's your responsibility to create a unique number (across all employees) for them until the valid identifier is available. Follow the guidance above when updating this identifier during the year.

For further info, see your provider's documentation.

Taxpayer Identification Number

This is for retirees only. The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is used when retiree payments and Form 1099-R are issued to a nonperson entity, such as an estate. This number is passed on the E record in the quarterly file.

The extract uses the SSN or ITIN. If neither exist, it uses the TIN.

Part Time Status

For part-time employees in Indiana, Vermont, and Puerto Rico, use the Employment task to specify the correct setting on either Assignment Category or Full Time or Part Time.

Hourly Paid or Salaried

Use the Employment task to specify the correct setting for this field.

This is required only for Vermont.

Working at Home

Use the Employment task to specify the correct setting for this field.

This is required only for Ohio localities.

Worker's Hourly Pay Rate

This field is derived by dividing the SIT Gross Wages QTD by the State Worked Hours values.

This is required for Vermont and Louisiana.

Home Address

The quarterly tax file always passes the home address in the US. If the worker has multiple home addresses for different countries, quarterly tax file passes the US address only.

If the worker has multiple home addresses for different countries, monthly tax file passes the US address only.

Mailing Address

If you have provided a mailing address for the person, the quarterly tax file passes it in addition to their home address.

International mailing addresses have special considerations. You must include the complete international address in the Address Line 1, Address Line 2, and City fields. The extract doesn't pass the state code and postal code on the quarterly tax file for these addresses. It concatenates the country name to the City field and passes the value on the tax file. For further info, see your third-party supplier documentation.

Year-End Form Print Preferences

You can deliver your year-end forms to employees in either paper format or digitally.

As an employer operating in the US and its territories, you can change the default preferences at the enterprise and employee levels.

The Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract passes these preferences to your third-party provider.

  • For terminated employees, the extract overrides the print preference value and enforces print delivery.

  • For retirees, the default is to not pass an indicator. This automatically defaults to print.

  • For employees in US territories, this field uses the W_2 document type to derive the print preferences.

For further info, see Configure the Form W-2 in the Help Center.