Set Initial Balance Values for the US

Setting initial balance values is an essential task when you migrate payroll data from another system. It involves use of the HCM Data Loader (HDL) to migrate this info.

For further info, see Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud: HCM Integrations and Data Loading in the Help Center.

To set the initial balances:

  1. Create the HDL .dat files for loading the balance values.

  2. Load balance values into the batch interface tables using the Import and Load Process for HCM Data Loader.

  3. Submit the Load Initial Balances process.

    This process uses initial balance feed elements to initialize each balance.

    This process:

    1. Automatically creates the balance feed elements before processing the upload.

    2. Validates the batch data.

    3. Processes the batch to load the balance data.

    4. Creates balance adjustments to set the required balance values.

For details on these steps, see the following sections.

How you run the process

To run the Load Initial Balances process:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. In Flow Submission and Results, click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select the legislative data group (LDG).

  4. Select the Load Initial Balances flow.

  5. Enter a payroll flow name.

  6. Select the operation mode.


    If you previously ran the Validate operation mode, you must run this process in Transfer mode to transfer the batch.

  7. Enter or search for the batch name you created with HDL.

  8. Click Submit.

What happens when you validate a batch

When you select the Validate batch operation mode, the Load Initial Balances process:

  1. Validates the header and detail lines of the batch.

  2. Confirms that a transfer would be successful.

  3. Confirms the entities referenced in the batch data exist, including:

    • Balances

    • Balance dimensions

    • Tax reporting units

    • Payroll definitions

    • Payroll relationships

    • Assignments

  4. If all required entities exist, it creates the structure that includes the balance initialization element itself, as well as its input values, balance feeds, and eligibility links.

  5. Checks that values are available for the contexts used by each balance dimension.

  6. Sets the status of valid batch lines to V, validated.

The batch isn't transferred until you complete the Transfer Batch operation.


You can also use this process to roll back the batch if you need to correct and reprocess errors. The Load Initial Balances process contains a batch operation mode where you can select the mode of operation.

What happens when you transfer a batch

When you select the Transfer batch operation mode, the Load Initial Balances process performs the actual transfer of the batch lines into the payroll system by creating the balance adjustments to initialize the balances. It creates these adjustments as element entries for the employee.

For every batch line it successfully processes, it:

  1. Sets the status to T, transferred.

  2. Updates the PAYROLL_REL_ACTION_ID to point to the balance adjustment.

  3. Validates any lines that haven't already been validated.

    If you run the Transfer operation without first validating, it performs the full Validate operation, validating data and creating missing balance initialization entities.


    If it encounters any errors that require correction, you must either:

    1. Correct the rejected entries for the impacted employees.

    2. Do one of the following.

      • Perform a batch transfer to load the rejected employees.

      • Load the rejected employees in a separate batch process.

What happens when you undo a batch transfer

When you select the Undo batch operation mode parameter, the Load Initial Balances process:

  1. Performs an undo of the batch transfer.

  2. Rolls back any balance initializations.

  3. Returns the status of each batch line to an unprocessed state.

You can now perform corrections and reprocess the batch.

How you can resolve errors

If you encounter errors after transferring the batch, perform these steps.

  1. Correct the batch data.

  2. Transfer the batch.

For further info, see Troubleshoot Balance Initialization Errors for the US in the Help Center.