Configure the Payslip Report Template for India

Use the predefined payslip template and edit it to include legislative requirements as mandated by your country or territory. For example, you may want to add your company logo or add additional fields to the template.

Configuring the delivered payslip template includes these tasks:

  1. Create a copy of the delivered payslip report

  2. Edit a copy of the payslip sub template to include additional components as per your requirements

  3. Add the changed template to the report

  4. Set the priority of the payslip report as Critical

  5. Test the configured payslip report in BI Publisher

Create a Copy of the Delivered Payslip Report

You can either copy the report template or use the Customize function to create an exact copy of the delivered report template. It is recommended that you use the Customize feature because of these advantages:
  • The copied report has the same privileges as original report.

  • Creates the necessary folder structure and keeps the same name as the original Payslip report.

  • Ensures that the copied report is placed in the same folder structure under the 'Custom' folder and the BI Publisher automatically chooses to use this modified report and you don't have to add the delivery option changes.

  • If you choose to copy the template, you must manually add the delivery options.


You must have BI Publisher Developer or BI Publisher Administrator role to create or edit reports from the BI Publisher.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics.

  2. Click Browse Catalog to open BI analytics in a new tab.

  3. Navigate to /Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Country Name folder to open the delivered Online Payslip for a country.

    For example, for India, you can find the India Payslip Report at /Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/India folder.
  4. Select More > Customize for the payslip report.

  5. Navigate to /Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/ Regulatory and Tax Reporting folder and check if you can see the report in the folder. It is recommended that you save all user-defined or configured reports in the Custom catalog folder under Shared Folders. Any reports created outside of the Custom folder will not be migrated and will be lost during patching or upgrade.
  6. Click More > Permissions to verify the permissions of the report. You should have permissions for the Generate Payslips account with Read, Traverse, Run Publisher Report, Schedule Publisher Report, View Publisher Output Custom Permissions. If you don't have these privileges, add it manually.If you have the BI Administrator or BI Author privileges, the Permission menu is enabled.
  7. Navigate to the copied report in the /Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/ Regulatory and Tax Reporting folder.

  8. Click Edit. Save a copy of this template.

  9. Click on View a list found on the top right of the page. Make a note of these values.




    Name of the report, for example OnlinePayslip

    Template File




    Output Format

    HTML, PDF, Excel, RTF

    Default Template


    Default Layout


    View Online






  10. Click View Thumbnails link and delete the downloaded template.

For more information on how you can edit RTF report template, refer to these topics on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Create and Edit RTF Report Layout Templates
  • How can I change the logo in the layout template?

Add the Revised Template to the Copied Report

Use these steps to add the revised template to the report you created in the first task.
  1. Navigate to /Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/Payslip Sub Templates.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Add New Layout.

  4. Select Upload and enter these details in the Upload Template File page.



    Layout Name

    Name of the report you created in the first task.

    Template Name

    Select the template you just modified in the second task.





  5. Click View a list.

  6. Enter details you noted in step 9 in the first task and click Save.

The Priority of payslip report on the BI server is by default set as Normal and hence is processed on first in, first out basis. To avoid interruptions, set the priority of the payslip report as Critical, so that it is executed on priority.
  1. Navigate to the copied report in the /Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/ Regulatory and Tax Reporting folder.


    You should make any revisions only to the copied version of the report.

  2. Click Edit and then click Properties.

  3. On the Report Properties window, under the General tab, select Critical in the Job Priority field

  4. Click OK.


    Setting the report as critical reduces chances of failure when there is an issue with the BI server or a performance issue with a previous report job in the process.

To test the configured template, you must first run the delivered template and generate the payslip.
  1. Navigate to /Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Payroll/ Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Country Name folder to open the delivered Online Payslip for the country.

  2. Select Job History for the delivered report.

  3. Clear the value of the fields Start Processing and Owner.

  4. Click Search and choose first row with success status.

  5. Click Report Job Name link.

  6. Record the value of these fields: Archive Action Identifier, Delivery Option Identifier, and Payroll Action Identifier.

  7. Follow these steps to test your configured report template in the custom folder.

    1. Navigate to /Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/ Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Country Name folder and open the report you created.

    2. Enter values for Archive Action Identifier, Delivery Option Identifier, and Payroll Action Identifier fields you noted.

    3. Click Apply.

  8. Verify that the payslip is generated successfully.


    If the payslip didn't generate successfully, check your configured report and template for errors.