Configure Addresses for the US

There are multiple tool available to help you configure addresses.

Use this tool

To do this

Address Formats task

Configures address styles and fields. Use this task to:

  • Hide fields

  • Rename fields

  • Change field layout

Your changes affect all UI pages.

Run this task from your implementation project.

Application Composer

Hides the Primary Address region in the Edit Account page.

Page Composer

Use this to change the prompts on address fields on individual UI pages. Do not use it to hide address regions.

Here's some things you can do to simplify data entry for addresses.

What do you want to change

How you change it

Control what address fields are visible

Use the Address task from your implementation project.

Change the field sequence so users can enter the ZIP Code before the city, state, and county

Use the Address Formats task from your implementation project.

Hide the Primary Address region on the Edit Account Profile page

Use the Application Composer.

For detailed instructions, see the following sections.

How You Control What Address Fields Are Visible

To set what address fields are visible:

  1. Sign in as a Setup user.

  2. Start the Address Formats task from your implementation project.

  3. Search for and select United States as the country name.

  4. Select the address format to modify, and click Edit.

  5. Expand Format Variation, and select the variation number you're modifying.

  6. From the Action menu, select either Add or Delete.

  7. If adding fields:

    1. From the Action menu, select Add.

    2. Specify the following.

      Field name

      How you use it


      Sequence of where you want to display the field.


      Position on the line for that field.


      Name of the field.

      Address Element

      Type of field.

    3. Indicate if the field is required.

    4. Indicate if it should appear as upper case.

    If deleting fields:

    1. Select the line you want to remove.

    2. From the Action menu, select Delete.


      If you're a Payroll or Payroll Interface customer, or a HR-only customer using address validation, you may need to enable Tax District for display. This field identifies townships and other special taxing districts and is listed under Address Element as Additional address attribute 4. When you enter the ZIP Code for an address, and Vertex populates the city, state, and county (or you select them), you can select the appropriate tax district from the list of values.

      For example: Rosewood, OH, 43070 would belong to the Adams Township.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Preview Layout to review your changes.

Enabling Tax Districts on Addresses

If you're a Payroll or Payroll Interface customer, or a HR-only customer using address validation, you may need to include tax districts for your addresses. The Tax District field lets you identify townships and other special taxing districts. For example: Rosewood, OH, 43070 would belong to the Adams Township. When entering the address, you can select Adams Township as the tax district.

To enable tax districts for your addresses:

  1. Start the Define Address Configuration task from your implementation project.

  2. Search for and select United States as the country name.

  3. Select the address format you're modifying, and click Edit.

  4. Expand Format Variation, and select the variation number you're modifying.

  5. In Format Variation Layout, click Add.

  6. Specify the following.

    Field name

    What you enter


    Sequence of where you want to display the field


    Position on the line for that field


    Tax District

    Address Element

    Additional address attribute 4

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Preview Layout to review your changes.

How You Change the Field Sequence

You can change the field sequence so users can enter the ZIP Code before the city, state, and county. With this enabled, when a user enters the ZIP Code, other fields are automatically populated, like the state and county.

Changing the display sequence applies only to the tax address format.

To enable this:

  1. Sign in as a Setup user.

  2. Start the Address Formats task from your implementation project.

  3. Search for and select United States as the country name.

  4. Select the address format you want to modify, and click Edit.

  5. Starting at the bottom with the Country field, update the line number to be one greater than the current line number.

    For example: Assign Country to line 8, County to line 7, and so on.

  6. Click Save after each line number update.

  7. Update each line up to ZIP Code. Keep ZIP Code on line 4.

  8. Change the position to 1, and click Save.

  9. To view your changes, click Preview Layout.

  10. Click Save and Close.

  11. Click Done.

How You Can Hide the Primary Address Region

Use Application Composer to hide the entire Primary Address region on the Edit Account Profile page.

To hide the region:

  1. Create a sandbox for Application Composer.

  2. From the Navigator, expand Configuration and select Application Composer.

  3. Select CRM Cloud from the Application list.

  4. Expand the Standard Objects and Account nodes in the left side of the page.

  5. Click Pages.

  6. In Details Page Layouts, select the link of the layout you want to configure.

    You can create a layout by duplicating an existing one.

  7. Select Profiles on the left side of the page.

  8. Click Hide.

  9. Click Done.