Define Augment Elements

You define your augment elements through the Elements task. They can be any element of Supplemental Earnings primary classification.

This involves:

  1. Defining elements

  2. Defining element entries

  3. Processing augments

How You Create the Elements

To define augment elements:

  1. Start the Elements task.

  2. Create an earnings element with these settings.

    Field name

    What you enter

    Primary Classification

    Supplemental Earnings

    Does this element recur each payroll period?


    Prorate this earning across all periods during which it was earned, and consider it for overtime calculations, such as for commissions, bonuses, incentives, and other nondiscretionary earnings?



    When you select Yes, the task does the following.

    1. Defaults the calculation rule to Flat Amount

    2. Creates an indirect element named "<Base Element Name> Premium Adjustment"

    3. Creates two input values: Earned Start Date and Earned End Date

    What is the calculation rule?

    Flat amount

    Is this element subject to retroactive changes?


    Should this element be included in the earnings calculation of the overtime base rate?


  3. Set these input values for the element.

    • Earned Start Date

      Must be equal to or later than the employee's hire date.

    • Earned End Date

    • Total Amount


    Don't mark your Premium Adjustment element as Process Separately or Pay Separately from other elements when the Augment element's earned start and end dates are between the payroll period start and end dates.

  4. Create an eligibility link for the <Base Element Name> Premium Adjustment element and the base supplemental element.

How You Define the Element Entries

For earnings to be associated with a person, you must create an element entry for the eligible employees and the base augment element.


When you create the base augment element entry, the task automatically creates a "<Base Element Name> Premium Adjustment" element entry with the same effective start and end dates as the base augment's earned start and end date element entry values. If you leave the earned start and end date element entry values blank, <Base Element Name> Premium Adjustment uses the payroll start and end dates.

How to Process Augments

Once you have created the augment element, run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process for the payroll period in which you created the base augment element. This process picks the <Base Element Name> Premium Adjustment element and creates retroactive payment entries for the adjusted premium amount.

For further info, see Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes for the US in the Help Center.