Diagnostic Tests for the US

Use these tests to diagnose a variety of issues including payroll employment setup issues.

You must have an application implementation consultant job role to access the Diagnostic Dashboard.


The tests use JavaScript and require that you use a JavaScript-enabled browser to run them.

To run the diagnostic tests:

  1. Sign in with an application implementation consultant job role.

  2. From the Navigator, click Show More.

  3. Under Tools, click Diagnostic Dashboard.

  4. Search for a type of test in Search for Tests.

    For example, enter Payroll as the test field name.

  5. Choose the test you want to run.

  6. View the results of the test in the browser.

You can also search for and run other types of diagnostic tests such as benefits or HR.

Affordable Care Act Tests

Person Benefit Diagnostic Report

This test uses these parameters.

  • Person ID

    To run the report for a single person, enter the person ID, otherwise enter 0 to report on all employees.

  • Effective date

It displays these details.

Value name

What it means


Full name of the employee.


Employee's home address.


Current work assignments.

Benefits relationship

Current benefits relationships.

Periods of service

Periods covered by benefits.

Potential life events

List of life events for the combination of the life event name, life event occurred date, and benefit relationship.

Life events

Events include birth, death, adoption, marriage, divorce.

Enrolled program

Benefits program name.

Enrollment result date

Enrollment date that the employee enrolled for benefits or the date they were given the benefits.

Enrollment result amount

Lists the rate name, element entry ID, rate value, annual value, benefit relationship ID, and other items related to the amount of the enrollment.

Dependent enrollment

Benefits enrollment for the employees or dependents.

Beneficiary enrollment

Benefits enrollment for the employee's beneficiary.

Action items for suspended enrollments and interim details

List of outstanding action items for an enrollment including the due dates.


Lists the elements related to payroll including the program, plan, element ID, element name, and value.

Calculation Card Tests

US Payroll Person Calculation Card Diagnostics

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • person_number

It provides diagnostic info related to a person's calculation cards. This applies to any personal calculation card, including their Tax Withholding card, Involuntary Deductions card, and Employee Earnings Distribution card.

The result of running the test is a series of tables that identify the type of info and the source table name. The following table lists the available info for this test.


Source Table Name

Payroll relationship details



Payroll relationship group details


Assigned payrolls


Calculation card details


Calculation card components details


Calculation card components flexfield details


Calculation card flexible relationships


Calculation card value definitions and range items

Reporting card details


Reporting card usage information


Pay element entries details


Pay element entry values


Pay entry usages


Pay dates information


Pay time definition details


US Payroll Tax Card Component Validation

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks whether employees have the tax card setup correctly.

It produces a list of employees. If the list has no entries, all employees have a Tax Withholding card. Otherwise, the output lists the name and payroll relationship number for each employee that meets this criteria.

  • US Employees who don't have a tax card

  • US Employees with tax cards but no associations listed

  • Employees with multiple associations created for the same payroll assignment, possibly in multiple tax cards

  • Employees with duplicate tax cards

  • Multiple tax reporting units (TRUs) with the same assignment

US Payroll Tax Card Validation

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks whether employees have the tax card component setup correctly.

The results list:

  • Employees with a Pennsylvania presence that don't have Pennsylvania regional component

  • Employees that have a Pennsylvania component, but the component details are incorrect

  • Employees with a tax card where the state unemployment insurance (SUI) state is missing

  • Employees with a tax card that lists Federal components, such as Medicare or unemployment insurance, but the corresponding component detail records are missing

  • Employees whose effective work addresses don't match the tax card primary address for SUI or state disability insurance (SDI)

  • Employees that have invalid tax card associations

Earnings Validations

US Payroll Elements Setup Validation

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks whether your Standard Earnings elements are correctly configured.

The results list:

  • Standard Earnings elements that aren't feeding the Overtime Earning balances

  • Standard Earnings premium elements that are incorrectly marked as Process Separate

Geocode Maintenance

US HR and Payroll Geography Loader Details Test

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks the geography loader audit info.

The results list:

  • How many times the loader ran

  • The count of rows in the hz_geographies table

    This entry tells you the number of geographies loaded.

  • Geocode count of hz_geographies

    This entry tells you the number of unique geocodes that are used.

  • File info about the source file from Vertex used to load the data

    This entry includes the version and file location.

  • Geography file version

  • Audit state

    This table lists the ID, type such as state, and name such as CA.

  • User-created data

    This info includes the geography type, such as city, the name, such as Airport Mail Facility, the use such as shipping, the country code such as US, and geography element such as United States.

US HR and Payroll Geography Diagnostics Details

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer mode

  • State name

  • County name

  • City name

  • ZIP Code

It checks the geography details based on the given parameters.

The results list a table of entries that match the parameters.

  • Geographies that match the given parameters

  • The ZIP Code for the required state and county parameters

US HR and Payroll Geography Setup and Health Check Report

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks the HR and payroll geography configuration details.

The results list:

  • Payroll license of the customer

  • Duplicate cities in the geography data

  • Duplicate counties in the geography data

  • Duplicate states in the geography data

  • Checks that the geography hierarchy is properly defined

    The hierarchy is country, state, country, city, and ZIP Code.

US HR and Payroll Geography Type Validity

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer mode

  • Geography type (such as city)

  • Geography value (such as a city name)

It requires one of the following: a city, county, state, or ZIP Code. It lists the geography info for the selected parameter.

The results list:

  • Geography identifier and city values

  • Geography ID and country

  • Customer state

  • Customer county

Involuntary Deductions Validations

Involuntary Deductions Card Validation

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks employees with involuntary deduction configuration issues.

It checks these details.

  • Employees with the same values for order amount payee and external processing fee payee

  • Employees with the same reference number for child and spousal support card components

  • Employees having only an additional order amount override

  • Employees having duplicate override entries in card components

US e-IWO HDL Loader Diagnostic Details

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • Inbound File Name

  • Start Date

  • End Date

This test checks the e-IWO data integrity info after HCM Data Loader process.

It provides details about the following e-IWO items.


What it means

Order information

Lists data related to the involuntary order.

Amount information

Lists the amounts for the involuntary order.

Process information

Lists info related to the inbound load process.

e-IWO deduction card information

Lists the processes loaded to the involuntary deduction card.

US e-IWO Process Diagnostic Details

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • Inbound File Name

  • Start Date

  • End Date

It provides these diagnostic details of the e-IWO process.

  • Acknowledged orders with a status of Failed or Undefined

  • Transferred orders with a status of Failed or Undefined

  • Employer-initiated orders with an undefined last payment amount

  • Invalid orders without a primary error code

  • Invalid orders due to inconsistent frequency codes (Error Code X)

  • Invalid orders due to inconsistent obligation amounts (Error Code X)

  • Valid orders that didn't transfer after the specified number of days

    This test checks for orders that weren't transferred within number of days specified by the involuntary order. It specifies within how many days to start withholding after the income withholding start date.

  • Valid orders that weren't acknowledged after 15 days

  • Employee-initiated orders that weren't acknowledged after 15 days

  • Order issuing state isn't the same as work state

US e-IWO UDT Configuration Diagnostic Details

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and checks the e-IWO data configuration info in the user-defined table.

It checks these details.

  • Spousal or child support element name missing

  • Order amount payee name missing

  • Primary federal employer identification number (EIN) missing or multiple federal EIN values

  • Different value set with multiple legislative data groups (LDGs).

Load Payroll Tax Information Tests

US Payroll JIT Validation

This test uses the Developer Mode parameter and provides the jurisdiction information table (JIT) configuration details. These items are loaded as part of the monthly job you run to update the data from Vertex.

The results list:

  • JIT file version

  • Value definitions

    Such as, state tax, federal tax, county tax, and city tax. This table includes a count of each type of value.

  • Lists the range items and provides the number of each one

  • Lists the calculation units and provides the number of each one

  • Number of active school districts

  • Number of active PSD codes

  • Number of townships

  • Lists the full name, ID, payroll relationship number, start date, school district and PSD details for each employee who has a Pennsylvania Residency Certification card.

  • Lists the person details of employees who have Pennsylvania Residency Certification cards that list invalid school districts or PSD details

Payroll Batch Loader Tests

US Payroll Batch Diagnostics

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • Batch name

  • Payroll relationship number

It provides diagnostic data on batch loader runs, including batch name, task, header details, and payroll relationship number.

Pennsylvania Act 32 Checks

US Payroll JIT Diagnostics

This JIT test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • person_number

It provides the JIT-related school district and Political Subdivision (PSD) details related to a given person number. It checks for an employee with a Pennsylvania Residency Certification card and validates those details.

US Payroll JIT PSD CODE Diagnostics

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • psd_code

It provides the JIT-related school district and PSD details related to a given PSD code and validates those details.

Workforce Record Diagnostics

US Payroll Person Diagnostics

This test uses these parameters.

  • Developer Mode

  • person_number

It provides diagnostic data related to a given person number, including their full employment history and all changes made to their employment data.

The result of running the test is a series of tables that identify the type of info and the source table name. The following table lists the available info for this test.


Source Table Name

Person ID, email address, phone number, and other details


Date of birth


Legislative information


Working relationships


Payroll relationships


Assignment details


Location details


Location address details


Address details


Legal employers


Payroll statutory units


Tax reporting units


Workforce Structure Tests

US Federal Tax Registration Check for TRUs

This test uses the LDG as a parameter. It displays the list of TRUs that don't have the United States Federal Tax registration.