Tag Standard and Time Card Earnings for Alternate Taxation

When an employee works short intervals in jurisdictions outside their primary, some jurisdictions require they be taxed in those jurisdictions. In these cases, you must tag the employee's earnings with those jurisdictions to ensure proper taxation. You can accomplish this for both time card

Tag Time Card Earnings

If you allocate time entry hours to different work jurisdictions, you must set up your time card layout to allow these entries.

  1. Log in as a user with Oracle Fusion Time and Labor privileges.

  2. Search for and start the Time Entry Layout Components task.


The following instructions describe providing tagging access to every jurisdiction. However, you can restrict what jurisdictions your employees can select. For further info, see Oracle Cloud Time and Labor Users Guide on the Help Center.

Enabling tagging for time card earnings involves the following.

What you need to do

How you do it

Define time entry tagging layout

Use the Time Entry Layout Components task to define the tagging layout.

This specifies the layout as a single attribute time card field.

Define time entry tagging components

The time entry tagging components consist of state, county, and city attributes.

Change time layout sets

You need to change your time layout sets to use the components you have defined.

Define worker profiles

Use the Worker Time Entry Profiles task to define a worker profile for any employee that would need to tag their earnings.

View the calculation card

Use the Calculations Card task to verify the Time Card you created for each employee.

For details on these steps, see the following sections.

Define Time Entry Tagging Layout

To define your time entry tagging layout:

  1. Log in as a user with Oracle Cloud Time and Labor privileges.

  2. Search for and start the Time Entry Layout Components task.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Select Single attribute time card, and click OK.

  5. Enter the following in General Properties.

    Field name

    What you enter


    Provide a meaningful name of your time card layout


    Provide a meaningful description

  6. In Time Attribute and Data Source, enter the following.

    Field name

    What you enter

    Time Attribute

    Payroll Time Type

    Filtered Data Source for Time Entry

    List of Payroll Time Types for User

    Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks

    List of Payroll Time Types for Administrator

  7. Click Add Filters.

  8. In Filters, enter the following.

    Field name

    What you enter

    First Filter Variable


    First Filter Input Attribute


    Second Filter Variable


    Second Filter Input Attribute

    Start Time

  9. Click OK.

  10. In Default Values and Display Properties, enter the following.

    Field name

    What you enter

    Population Method for New Entry

    No default value

    Display Type

    Smart choice list

    Display Name

    Provide a meaningful name for your time attribute

    Required on the Time Card


  11. Click Next.

Define Time Entry Tagging Components

On the Create Time Card Field: Dependent Field Definition page of the Time Entry Layout Components task, you define tagging fields at the following levels:

  • State

  • County

  • City

Perform the following:

  1. Define your State tagging field.

    1. Click Create.

    2. Specify the following in Create Dependent Time Card Field.

      Field name

      What you enter


      Provide a meaningful name for your first tagging field, such as State

      Dependent Time Attribute



      Select For all independent time attribute values


      Selecting this returns a warning message. Click Yes to dismiss.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Specify the following in Dependent Time Card Field Properties.

      Field name

      What you enter

      Filtered Data Source for Time Entry

      Select List of values for payroll US state field for Geocode

      Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks

      Select List of values for payroll US state field for Geocode

      Population Method for New Entry

      Select No default value

      Display Type

      Select Smart choice list

      Display Name

      Provide a meaningful name, such as State

      Enable override on layouts

      Select this option

      Required on the Time Card

      Select No

    5. Click Save.

  2. Define your County tagging field.

    1. Click Create.

    2. Specify the following in Create Dependent Time Card Field.

      Field name

      What you enter


      Provide a meaningful name for your second tagging field, such as County

      Dependent Time Attribute



      Select For all independent time attribute values


      Selecting this returns a warning message. Click Yes to dismiss.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Specify the following in Dependent Time Card Field Properties.

      Field name

      What you enter

      Filtered Data Source for Time Entry

      Select List of values for payroll US county field for Geocode

      Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks

      Select List of values for payroll US county field for Geocode

      Population Method for New Entry

      Select No default value

      Display Type

      Select Smart choice list

      Display Name

      Provide a meaningful name, such as County

      Enable override on layouts

      Select this option

      Required on the Time Card

      Select No

    5. Click Add Filters.

    6. In Filters, specify the following.

      Field name

      What you enter

      First Filter Variable


      Filter Input Attribute


    7. Click OK.

    8. Click Save.

  3. Define your City tagging field.

    1. Click Create.

    2. Specify the following in Create Dependent Time Card Field.

      Field name

      What you enter


      Provide a meaningful name for your second tagging field, such as City

      Dependent Time Attribute



      For all independent time attribute values


      Selecting this returns a warning message. Click Yes to dismiss.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Specify the following in Dependent Time Card Field Properties.

      Field name

      What you enter

      Filtered Data Source for Time Entry

      List of values for payroll US city field for Geocode

      Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks

      List of values for payroll US city field for Geocode

      Population Method for New Entry

      No default value

      Display Type

      Smart choice list

      Display Name

      Provide a meaningful name, such as City

      Enable override on layouts


      Required on the Time Card


    5. Click Add Filters.

    6. In Filters, specify the following.

      Field name

      What you enter

      First Filter Variable


      First Filter Input Attribute


      Second Filter Variable


      Second Filter Input Attribute


    7. Click OK.

    8. Click Save and then Next.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Change Time Layout Sets

Once you have defined your tagging components, change your time layout sets to use the new components:

  1. Start the Time Layout Sets task.

  2. Click Create.

  3. In Time Consumer, select Payroll.

  4. Click Generate Layout Set.

  5. Enter a meaningful name for your layout set.

  6. On the Time Entry Layout line, select Configure Layout.

  7. Click Edit Layout.

  8. In Time Card Fields, replace Payroll Time Type with the time card layout fields you created.

    For further info, see Define Time Entry Tagging Layout above.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Add.

  11. Add the three fields you created for State, County, and City.

    Click ADD for each.

  12. Click Save and then Close.

  13. Click Yes and then OK.

  14. Click Save and Close.

    The task copies this configuration to the other layouts listed on the Layout Sets page.

  15. Click Save and Close.

Define Worker Profiles

Once you have configured your time card layout to enable tagging, create a worker profile and assign it to all employees that would use the tagging feature:

  1. Define the worker profile.

    1. Start the Worker Time Entry Profiles task.

    2. Click Create.

    3. Enter a meaningful name for your profile.

    4. Enter an appropriate effective start date.

    5. For Layout Set, select the layout you created previously.

    6. Click OK.

    7. On Worker View and Manager View, select all the items you want to enable for each.

    8. Click Next until you reach the Review page.

    9. Click Save and Close and then OK.

    10. Click Troubleshoot.

  2. Assign eligible employees to the profile.

    1. Search for and select an employee requiring the tagging feature.

    2. Click Assign Profile to Person.

    3. Search for and select the profile you created.

    4. For From Date, specify the effective date.

    5. Click OK.

  3. Click Save and Close and then OK.

View the Time Cards Calculation Card

When an employee tags their time as worked in another jurisdiction on their time card, the Load Time Card Batches process transfers this data into their Time Cards calculation card. The payroll process uses this info when calculating payroll.

To view an employee's Time Cards calculation card:

  1. Search for the employee.

  2. Start the Calculation Cards task, and open their Time card for editing.

  3. Change the effective date to a date you have tagged.

  4. In Calculation Component, select the element the employee used to tag the earning.

  5. In Work Hours: Details, select Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards.

    The info here includes the hours, and the jurisdiction details.

Tag Standard Earnings

To tag earnings for elements that use the Standard category:

  1. Navigate to the employee's element entries page.

  2. Click Create, and then enter your effective date and element name.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. Enter your hours or amount.

  5. Select the appropriate state from the list.

  6. Select the appropriate county from the list.

  7. Select the appropriate city from the list.

  8. Click Submit.

You can perform tagging on any Regular or Supplemental Earnings element.