Tax Reporting Unit Associations

Associating a tax reporting unit (TRU) with a Tax Withholding Card enables the payroll process to apply rules and rates defined for the TRU when calculating taxes.

To add a TRU association to the card, click Create Association in the Associations region.

Associations determine:

  • Which rates and rules held at TRU level apply to the calculation of the components

  • How the calculations are aggregated for tax reporting

Here's how you configure TRU associations.

If you have

What you can do

How you do it

Multiple TRUs

By default, the card associates all components with the same TRU, except when there are multiple assignments and multiple TRUs. Then you must select a TRU for each assignment.

You can't associate the same assignment to multiple TRUs.

  1. Under Associations, click Create Association.

  2. Select the additional TRU, and click Go. Do this for each TRU you need to add.

  3. Under Associations, click the TRU you added.

  4. Under Association Details, click Create Association Details.

  5. Select the assignment you're associating with the TRU, and click Go.

  6. Click Save and Close.

Multiple assignments

If a person has multiple assignments, you can:

  • Associate them with separate TRUs

  • Associate them with the same TRU

  1. Under Associations, click the TRU you're associating with the assignment.

  2. Under Association Details, click Create Association Details.

  3. Select the assignment, and click Go.

  4. Click Save and Close.

You can't change a TRU association once you have used it with a balance adjustment, payroll run, or QuickPay payroll action.


When using the Employment task to define additional assignments for a person, you can change their primary assignment, but you can't associate it with a different TRU.