Get all related assignment records




Path Parameters
  • This is the hash key of the attributes which make up the composite key for the Learner Learning Records resource and used to uniquely identify an instance of Learner Learning Records. The client should not generate the hash key value. Instead, the client should query on the Learner Learning Records collection resource in order to navigate to a specific instance of Learner Learning Records to get the hash key.
  • This is the hash key of the attributes which make up the composite key for the Past Renewals resource and used to uniquely identify an instance of Past Renewals. The client should not generate the hash key value. Instead, the client should query on the Past Renewals collection resource in order to navigate to a specific instance of Past Renewals to get the hash key.
Query Parameters
  • This parameter specifies dependencies which are fields that are set before and rolled back after generating the response. Generally they are used to preview the effects of an attribute change. The fields specified in this parameter are always set in the resource instance in question. When a child resource collection is requested and the parameter is set, the fields will be set in the parent resource instance before generating the resource collection payload. The value of this query parameter is a set of dependency fields. Example: dependency=ProductId=2

    Format: <attr1>=<val1>,<attr2>=<value2>
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables

    • PrimaryKey Finds all the related learning assignments that match the specified primary key criteria.
      Finder Variables
      • assignmentRelationId; integer; Unique identifier for the assignment relation.
    • findByAssignee Finds all the related learning assignments that match the specified assignee criteria.
      Finder Variables
      • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
      • learnerId; integer; Unique identifier for the learning assignee.
    • findByAssignmentRecordId Finds all the related learning assignments that match the specified primary key criteria.
      Finder Variables
      • assignmentRecordId; integer; Unique identifier for the assignment record.
      • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager, is the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
    • findByLearningItem Finds all the related learning assignments that match the specified learning item criteria.
      Finder Variables
      • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
      • learningItemId; integer; Unique identifier for the learning Item.
    • findByLearningItemTitle Finds all the related learning assignments for learning items that match the specified learning item criteria.
      Finder Variables
      • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
      • learningItemTitle; string; Title of the learning item.
    • findByManager Finds all the related learning assignments for the specified manager's subordinates.
      Finder Variables
      • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
      • managerId; integer; Unique identifier for the learner's manager.
    • findByPendingApproval Finds all learning assignments that the signed in person needs to approve.
      Finder Variables
      • findMostRelevantAssignment Finds the most relevant learning assignments that match the specified primary key criteria.
        Finder Variables
        • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the list DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV.
        • learningItemId; integer; Unique identifier for the learning Item.
    • This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
    • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

    • Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
    • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
    • This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
    • This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

      Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

      You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:
      • actualCpeUnits; number; Continuing professional education units that the learner achieved for this assignment.
      • actualEffortInHours; number; Actual learner effort, in hours, to complete the related learning assignment.
      • actualScore; number; Actual learner score for the related learning assignment.
      • assignedDate; string; Learning start date, visible to the learner on various self-service learning pages.
      • assignedToDisplayName; string; Display name of the learning item assignee.
      • assignedToId; integer; Unique identifier for the learning item assignee.
      • assignedToNumber; string; Friendly number identifying the learning item assignee.
      • assignedToPersonImageURL; string; Image URL for the learning item assignee.
      • assignedToPersonPrimaryEmailAddress; string; Primary email address for learning item assignee.
      • assignedToPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber; string; Primary phone number for the learning item assignee.
      • assignedToType; string; Entity type for the related learning assignment assignee. Valid value is a person.
      • assignedToTypeMeaning; string; Description of the assigned to type.
      • assignerAttributionType; string; Entity type for the related learning assignment creator, such as person, specialist, or community. Valid values are defined in the AssignerToAttributionTypeLOV list.
      • assignerAttributionTypeMeaning; string; Description of the assigner attribution type.
      • assignerCommentsToLearner; string; Assigner comments to the learner made while creating the related learning assignment. It's null when there are no comments.
      • assignerDisplayName; string; Display name of the related learning assignment creator. For example, it's the learner for voluntary assignments, and the specialist or the Assign As alias for specialist-created assignments.
      • assignerId; integer; Unique identifier for the related learning assignment assigner.
      • assignerNumber; string; Friendly number identifying the related learning assignment assigner.
      • assignerPersonImageURL; string; Image URL for the person who assigned the learning item to the learner.
      • assignerPersonPrimaryEmailAddress; string; Email address for the learning item assigner.
      • assignerPersonPrimaryPhoneNumber; string; Phone number for the learning item assigner.
      • assignmentAttributionId; integer; Unique identifier for the related learning assignment creator.
      • assignmentCreatedDate; string; Date and time when the related learning assignment was created.
      • assignmentDetailsDeepLink; string; URL to open the related learning enrollment page directly from the browser.
      • assignmentDetailsEmbedLink; string; URL to embed the learning item page in the other pages. It opens the isolated learning item page without the global toolbar on the top.
      • assignmentDueDate; string; Due date of the learning-specialist-created assignment. The value is null for voluntary assignments.
      • assignmentDueInFromSystemDate; integer; Due date, in days, for the requested learning assignment.
      • assignmentJustification; string; Justification provided by the learner during a request, or the justification added by the specialist in the learning request details during the related assignment.
      • assignmentLastModifiedDate; string; Date and time when the related assignment was most recently updated.
      • assignmentRecordId; integer; Unique identifier for the related learning enrollment.
      • assignmentRecordNumber; string; Friendly number identifying the related learning enrollment in the user interface.
      • assignmentRelationId; integer; Unique identifier for the learning assignment relation.
      • assignmentRelationType; string; Type of learning assignment relation, such as previous completions that were expired by this learning enrollment and exempted learning enrollments allowing the learner to claim the credit. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentRelationTypeLOV list.
      • assignmentRelationTypeMeaning; string; Description of the learning assignment relation type.
      • assignmentStatus; string; Status of the related learning enrollment, such as Active, Content Completed, Completed, Withdrawn, or Deleted. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentStatusLOV list.
      • assignmentStatusMeaning; string; Description of the learning assignment status.
      • assignmentSubStatus; string; Granular status of the associated learning enrollment. For example, No Offering Selected, Not Started, In Progress, and Pending Active are various substatuses for the Active status. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentSubStatusLOV list.
      • assignmentSubStatusMeaning; string; Description of the learning assignment substatus.
      • assignmentType; string; Type of the related learning enrollment, such as required or voluntary. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentTypeLOV list.
      • assignmentTypeMeaning; string; Description of the related learning assignment type.
      • canEditAssignmentHint; string; Specifies whether you can edit the assignment hint, such as Can delete, Can withdraw, or No edit, for the related learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the CanEditAssignmentHintLOV list.
      • canEditAssignmentHintMeaning; string; Description of the can edit learning assignment hint.
      • completedDate; string; Date when the learning was completed.
      • contentCompletedDate; string; Completed date for the requested learning assignment.
      • currentWaitlistPosition; integer; Current waitlist position for the learner.
      • dataSecurityPrivilege; string; Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV list.
      • dataSecurityPrivilegeMeaning; string; Description of the value of the dataSecurityPrivilege attribute.
      • deletedDate; string; Date when the learner was removed from the waitlist.
      • enteredPendingPaymentDate; string; Date when the related learning assignment was added to the pending payment.
      • enteredPendingPrerequisitesDate; string; Date when the related learning assignment entered pending prerequisites.
      • enteredWaitlistDate; string; Date when the learning assignment was added to the waitlist.
      • evaluationSubmittedDate; string; Date when the requested learning assignment evaluation was submitted.
      • exemptedDate; string; Date when the learning assignment was exempted.
      • exitedPendingPrerequisitesDate; string; Date when the related learning assignment exited pending prerequisites.
      • exitedWaitlistDate; string; Date when the learner exited the waitlist.
      • expectedEffortInHours; string; Expected effort, in hours, to complete the related learning assignment.
      • expirationDate; string; Date when the assignment expired in a renewal scenario.
      • expirationInDaysSystemDate; number; Expiration time, in days, for the requested learning assignment.
      • expirationRule; string; Expiration rule for the related learning assignment in a renewal scenario.
      • hasFutureRenewal; string; Indicates whether the related learning assignment is of type Expiration and has a future renewal.
      • hasPastRenewal; string; Indicates whether the related learning assignment has a past renewal.
      • learningItemCompletionCertificateLink; string; URL to open and download the learning item completion certificate directly from the browser. Supported for completed and bypass completed course, specialization, and legacy learning assignments.
      • learningItemCoverArtLink; string; URL to open the learning item cover art directly from the browser.
      • learningItemCpeType; string; Continuing professional education type of the learning item. Valid values are defined in the CpeTypeLOV list.
      • learningItemCpeTypeMeaning; string; Description of the continuing professional education type.
      • learningItemDataLink; string; Data link to the learning item.
      • learningItemDeepLink; string; URL to open the learning item page directly from the browser.
      • learningItemEffectiveAsOf; string; Learning item version to assign. It can be set to Latest or Assignment to Learner Date.
      • learningItemEmbedLink; string; URL to embed the learning item page in the other pages. It opens the isolated learning item page without the global toolbar on the top.
      • learningItemId; integer; Unique identifier for the learning item. It's the internal primary key.
      • learningItemMaximumPrice; number; Maximum price for the learning item.
      • learningItemMinimumPrice; number; Minimum price for the learning item.
      • learningItemNumber; string; Friendly number identifying the learning item. It's a surrogate key that's shown in the user interface.
      • learningItemPriceCurrency; string; Currency for the learning item price. Valid values are defined in the PriceCurrencyLOVVA list.
      • learningItemPublisherDisplayName; string; Display name of the learning item publisher.
      • learningItemSubType; string; Learning item subtype, such as Video or Tutorial. Valid values are defined in the AssignedLearningItemSubTypeLOV list.
      • learningItemSubTypeMeaning; string; Description of the learning item subtype.
      • learningItemThumbnailLink; string; URL to open the learning item thumbnail directly from the browser.
      • learningItemTitle; string; Title of the learning item.
      • learningItemTrailerLink; string; URL to open the learning item trailer directly from the browser.
      • learningItemType; string; Learning item type, such as Course, Specialization, Tutorial, Video, or eLearning. Valid values are defined in the AssignedLearningItemTypeLOV list.
      • learningItemTypeMeaning; string; Description of the learning item type.
      • liShortDescription; string; Short description provided while creating the learning item.
      • liTotalExpectedEffort; number; Expected effort to complete the related learning assignment item.
      • liTotalExpectedEffortUOM; string; Unit of measure for the expected effort to complete the related learning assignment item. Valid values are defined in the LiTotalExpectedEffortUomLOV list.
      • liTotalExpectedEffortUOMMeaning; string; Description of the unit of measurement for the total expected effort.
      • nextRenewalAssignmentDeepLink; string; URL to open the next renewal learning enrollment page directly from the browser.
      • nextRenewalAssignmentEmbedLink; string; URL to embed the next renewal learning enrollment page in other pages. It opens the isolated learning item page without the global tool bar on the top.
      • nextRenewalAssignmentId; integer; Unique identifier for the renewal assignment of the current learning assignment. It's applicable if the learning assignment has an expiration with renewal.
      • nextRenewalAssignmentNumber; string; Friendly number for the renewal assignment of the current learning assignment. It's applicable if the learning assignment has an expiration with the renewal.
      • purchaseAmount; number; Purchase amount for the requested learning assignment.
      • purchaseCurrency; string; Purchase currency for the requested learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the PriceCurrencyLOVVA list.
      • purchasedDate; string; Date the learning was purchased.
      • reasonCode; string; Reason code for the learning assignment status change. Use this attribute when the learner's manager withdraws the assignment or marks it as complete. Valid values are defined in the ReasonCodeLOV list.
      • refundRule; string; Refund rule for the learning assignment.
      • renewalPeriod; number; Number of days before the current learning assignment expires to assign the renewed assignment.
      • requestApprovedDate; string; Approved date for the requested learning assignment.
      • requestRejectedDate; string; Rejected date for the requested learning assignment.
      • requestedCompleteByDate; string; Requested date by when the learner should complete the related learning assignment.
      • requestedDate; string; Date when the related learning assignment was requested.
      • requestedStartDate; string; Learning request start date specified in the related learning assignment.
      • startedDate; string; Start date for the requested learning assignment.
      • statusChangeComment; string; Date when the comment status for the learning assignment was changed.
      • validityPeriodRule; string; Validity period rule for the learning assignment indicating the period when the completed learning is valid.
      • validityPeriodRuleMeaning; string; Description of the validity period rule.
      • withdrawnDate; string; Date when the learner was withdrawn from the learning item.
      • withdrawnRequestedDate; string; Withdrawal requested date for the learning assignment.
    • The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
    Header Parameters
    • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
    • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

    There's no request body for this operation.

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    Supported Media Types

    Default Response

    The following table describes the default response for this task.
    • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
    • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : learnerLearningRecords-pastRenewals-relatedLearningRecords
    Type: object
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : Items
    Type: array
    Title: Items
    The items in the collection.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : learnerLearningRecords-pastRenewals-relatedLearningRecords-item-response
    Type: object
    Show Source
    • Title: Actual CPE Units
      Read Only: true
      Continuing professional education units that the learner achieved for this assignment.
    • Title: Actual Effort in Hours
      Actual learner effort, in hours, to complete the related learning assignment.
    • Title: Actual Score
      Read Only: true
      Actual learner score for the related learning assignment.
    • Title: Enrolled on Date
      Read Only: true
      Learning start date, visible to the learner on various self-service learning pages.
    • Title: Assignee Display Name
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 240
      Display name of the learning item assignee.
    • Title: Assignee Person ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the learning item assignee.
    • Title: Assignee Person Number
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Friendly number identifying the learning item assignee.
    • Title: Assignee Person Image URL
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 19
      Image URL for the learning item assignee.
    • Title: Assignee Primary Email Address
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 240
      Primary email address for learning item assignee.
    • Title: Assignee Primary Phone Number
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 60
      Primary phone number for the learning item assignee.
    • Title: Assignee Attribution Type
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 19
      Entity type for the related learning assignment assignee. Valid value is a person.
    • Title: Assignee Attribution Type Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the assigned to type.
    • Title: Assigner Attribution Type
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Default Value: ORA_PERSON
      Entity type for the related learning assignment creator, such as person, specialist, or community. Valid values are defined in the AssignerToAttributionTypeLOV list.
    • Title: Assigner Attribution Type Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the assigner attribution type.
    • Title: Assigner Comments to Learner
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Assigner comments to the learner made while creating the related learning assignment. It's null when there are no comments.
    • Title: Enrolled By
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 240
      Display name of the related learning assignment creator. For example, it's the learner for voluntary assignments, and the specialist or the Assign As alias for specialist-created assignments.
    • Title: Assigner ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the related learning assignment assigner.
    • Title: Assigner Number
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Friendly number identifying the related learning assignment assigner.
    • Title: Assigner Person Image URL
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 19
      Image URL for the person who assigned the learning item to the learner.
    • Title: Assigner Person Primary Email Address
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 240
      Email address for the learning item assigner.
    • Title: Assigner Person Primary Phone Number
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 60
      Phone number for the learning item assigner.
    • Title: Assigner Attribution ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the related learning assignment creator.
    • Title: Assignment Created Date
      Read Only: true
      Date and time when the related learning assignment was created.
    • Title: Due Date
      Due date of the learning-specialist-created assignment. The value is null for voluntary assignments.
    • Title: Assignment Due in from System Date
      Read Only: true
      Due date, in days, for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Justification
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Justification provided by the learner during a request, or the justification added by the specialist in the learning request details during the related assignment.
    • Title: Assignment Last Modified Date
      Read Only: true
      Date and time when the related assignment was most recently updated.
    • Title: Enrollment Record ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the related learning enrollment.
    • Title: Enrollment Number
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Friendly number identifying the related learning enrollment in the user interface.
    • Title: Assignment Relation ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the learning assignment relation.
    • Title: Assignment Relation Type
      Read Only: true
      Type of learning assignment relation, such as previous completions that were expired by this learning enrollment and exempted learning enrollments allowing the learner to claim the credit. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentRelationTypeLOV list.
    • Title: Assignment Relation Type Description
      Read Only: true
      Description of the learning assignment relation type.
    • Title: Enrollment Record Status
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 32
      Status of the related learning enrollment, such as Active, Content Completed, Completed, Withdrawn, or Deleted. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentStatusLOV list.
    • Title: Enrollment Record Status Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the learning assignment status.
    • Title: Enrollment Record Substatus
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Granular status of the associated learning enrollment. For example, No Offering Selected, Not Started, In Progress, and Pending Active are various substatuses for the Active status. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentSubStatusLOV list.
    • Title: Enrollment Record Substatus Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the learning assignment substatus.
    • Title: Enrollment Type
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 32
      Type of the related learning enrollment, such as required or voluntary. Valid values are defined in the AssignmentTypeLOV list.
    • Title: Enrollment Type Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the related learning assignment type.
    • Title: Can Edit Assignment Hint
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Specifies whether you can edit the assignment hint, such as Can delete, Can withdraw, or No edit, for the related learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the CanEditAssignmentHintLOV list.
    • Title: Can Edit Assignment Hint Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the can edit learning assignment hint.
    • Title: Completed Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the learning was completed.
    • Title: Content Completed Date
      Read Only: true
      Completed date for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Current Waitlist Position
      Read Only: true
      Current waitlist position for the learner.
    • Title: Data Security Privilege
      Maximum Length: 32
      Data security privilege, such as Learner or Learner Manager. It's the intent and permissions for the user accessing the learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the DataSecurityPrivilegeLOV list.
    • Title: Data Security Privilege Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the value of the dataSecurityPrivilege attribute.
    • Title: Deleted Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the learner was removed from the waitlist.
    • Title: Entered Pending Payment Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the related learning assignment was added to the pending payment.
    • Title: Date Learner Entered Pending Prerequisites
      Read Only: true
      Date when the related learning assignment entered pending prerequisites.
    • Title: Date Learner Entered Waitlist
      Read Only: true
      Date when the learning assignment was added to the waitlist.
    • Title: Evaluation Submission Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the requested learning assignment evaluation was submitted.
    • Title: Exempted Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the learning assignment was exempted.
    • Title: Date Learner Exited Pending Prerequisites
      Read Only: true
      Date when the related learning assignment exited pending prerequisites.
    • Title: Date Learner Exited Waitlist
      Read Only: true
      Date when the learner exited the waitlist.
    • Title: Expected Effort
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 83
      Expected effort, in hours, to complete the related learning assignment.
    • Title: Expiration Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the assignment expired in a renewal scenario.
    • Title: Expiration in Days from Today
      Read Only: true
      Expiration time, in days, for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Expires
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 80
      Expiration rule for the related learning assignment in a renewal scenario.
    • Title: Requires Renewal
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 20
      Indicates whether the related learning assignment is of type Expiration and has a future renewal.
    • Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 1
      Indicates whether the related learning assignment has a past renewal.
    • Title: Learning Item CPE Type
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Continuing professional education type of the learning item. Valid values are defined in the CpeTypeLOV list.
    • Title: Learning Item CPE Type Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the continuing professional education type.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Effective Date
      Read Only: true
      Learning item version to assign. It can be set to Latest or Assignment to Learner Date.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Item ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the learning item. It's the internal primary key.
    • Title: Learning Item Maximum Price
      Maximum price for the learning item.
    • Title: Learning Item Minimum Price
      Minimum price for the learning item.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Item Number
      Maximum Length: 255
      Friendly number identifying the learning item. It's a surrogate key that's shown in the user interface.
    • Title: Learning Item Currency
      Currency for the learning item price. Valid values are defined in the PriceCurrencyLOVVA list.
    • Title: Published By
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 240
      Display name of the learning item publisher.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Item Subtype
      Read Only: true
      Learning item subtype, such as Video or Tutorial. Valid values are defined in the AssignedLearningItemSubTypeLOV list.
    • Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the learning item subtype.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Item Title
      Maximum Length: 250
      Title of the learning item.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Item Type
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 32
      Learning item type, such as Course, Specialization, Tutorial, Video, or eLearning. Valid values are defined in the AssignedLearningItemTypeLOV list.
    • Title: Assigned Learning Item Type Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the learning item type.
    • Links
    • Title: Learning Item Short Description
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Short description provided while creating the learning item.
    • Title: Learning Item Total Expected Effort
      Expected effort to complete the related learning assignment item.
    • Title: Learning Item Total Expected Effort Units
      Maximum Length: 30
      Unit of measure for the expected effort to complete the related learning assignment item. Valid values are defined in the LiTotalExpectedEffortUomLOV list.
    • Title: Learning Item Total Expected Effort Units Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the unit of measurement for the total expected effort.
    • Title: Renewal Assignment ID
      Read Only: true
      Unique identifier for the renewal assignment of the current learning assignment. It's applicable if the learning assignment has an expiration with renewal.
    • Title: Renewal Assignment Number
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Friendly number for the renewal assignment of the current learning assignment. It's applicable if the learning assignment has an expiration with the renewal.
    • Title: Purchase Amount
      Purchase amount for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Purchase Currency
      Maximum Length: 19
      Purchase currency for the requested learning assignment. Valid values are defined in the PriceCurrencyLOVVA list.
    • Title: Purchased Date
      Read Only: true
      Date the learning was purchased.
    • Title: Status Change Reason Code
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Reason code for the learning assignment status change. Use this attribute when the learner's manager withdraws the assignment or marks it as complete. Valid values are defined in the ReasonCodeLOV list.
    • Title: Refund Rule
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 240
      Refund rule for the learning assignment.
    • Title: Renewal Period
      Read Only: true
      Number of days before the current learning assignment expires to assign the renewed assignment.
    • Title: Request Approval Date
      Read Only: true
      Approved date for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Request Completion Date
      Read Only: true
      Requested date by when the learner should complete the related learning assignment.
    • Title: Requested Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the related learning assignment was requested.
    • Title: Requested Start By
      Learning request start date specified in the related learning assignment.
    • Title: Request Rejection Date
      Read Only: true
      Rejected date for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Assignment Start Date
      Read Only: true
      Start date for the requested learning assignment.
    • Title: Comments
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Date when the comment status for the learning assignment was changed.
    • Title: Validity Period Option
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 30
      Validity period rule for the learning assignment indicating the period when the completed learning is valid.
    • Title: Validity Period Option Description
      Read Only: true
      Maximum Length: 4000
      Description of the validity period rule.
    • Title: Withdrawn Date
      Read Only: true
      Date when the learner was withdrawn from the learning item.
    • Title: Withdrawn Requested Date
      Read Only: true
      Withdrawal requested date for the learning assignment.
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