How You Create Questions

When creating a question, you specify the question type, additional instructions about the question, images and attachments, if any, response type for the question, scoring options, and more.

You create questions in the question library. To create, review, or edit questions, select these in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Setup: Workforce Development

  • Functional Area: Questionnaires

  • Task: Question Library

Follow these steps to create a question, for example:

  1. After selecting the options mentioned above, select the subscriber from the Questions page.
  2. Click the Create icon. The Create Questions page appears.
  3. Select the folder, status, and privacy options, as required. The Question Code and Question Version Number are generated automatically.
  4. In the Question Text field, type the question that you want to ask. For example, “How many states are there in the US?”
  5. In the Image field, click the Manage Attachments icon to add an accompanying image to the question. For example, if your question reads, "What does this sign mean?", add the image of a sign in this field.
  6. In the Instructions text box, include additional information or provide additional context about the question. You can format the information that you add by using the toolbar. You can also add an URL using the Add Link icon on the toolbar.
    Note: The URL that you add here will open in the same window as the questionnaire. You may want to add a note in the Instructions text box to let the respondents know that they must open the URL in a new window to avoid losing any unsaved changes.
  7. Select the question type. Options are Text, Single Choice, Multiple Choice, and No Response.
  8. Select the Display the question conditionally check box if you want to display the question based on a specific response that’s provided to another question called the controlling question. For example, if respondents answer “No” to a controlling question such as, “Are you happy with the learning module?”, you can configure a text question to appear conditionally, asking them to provide more details. For more information, refer to the Conditional Questions section in this topic.
  9. For Single-Choice and Multiple-Choice question types, you can provide scoring options by selecting the Score Question check box.

    For more information, refer to the Response Scoring section in this topic.

  10. Select the type of response that a respondent must provide to the question. Each question type has a list of response types that you can choose from.
  11. To allow respondents to upload attachments with their responses, select the Allow Attachments check box. For example, you have the question, "Provide proof of the right to work in this country". The respondent can upload an attachment to show proof of the right to work.
    Note: Respondents can add attachments for all types of questions, including No Response questions.
  12. Select the Allow Additional Comments check box, if you’d like respondents to provide additional comments or reasons for their responses. This option is available only for Date responses of the Text question type and for all responses of the Single Choice and Multiple Choice question types.
    Note: When you create a new version of a question or copy a question that has additional comments enabled, this option is available in the new question as well. However, it’s not available for existing questions that are already published. This option may not be available in certain run-time and setup pages in Oracle Recruiting, Oracle Health and Safety Incidents, Wellness, and Journeys.
  13. In the Minimum Length and Maximum Length fields, specify the length of text responses, or the start and end dates of date responses.
  14. Click Save and Close.

Question Types

Four types of questions are available in the Question Type list:

  • Text

  • Single choice

  • Multiple choice

  • No response

For each question type, you also configure responses and select a presentation method. For example, for single-choice questions, you can specify that the possible responses appear either in a list or as radio buttons.

This table describes the types of questions and their response types.



Sample Question

Response Type

Sample Response



Respondents can either enter free-form text as the answer to the question, or they can enter a date using a date picker.

How can we improve this class?

  • Date

  • Plain Text Box

  • Rich Text Box

The class is too long and should be broken into 2 half-day classes.

For text responses, you can specify the minimum and maximum number of characters. You can also allow rich text that uses formatting, such as bold and underline.

For date responses, you can set the minimum or maximum dates, or both. Respondents must choose a date on or before the maximum date and on or after the minimum date. For example, if respondents have to enter their date of joining between 12/01/2021 and 12/31/2021, set these as the minimum and maximum dates.

Single Choice

Respondent chooses only one correct answer.

Is Performance Management a subscriber application for questionnaires?

  • Single Choice from List

  • Radio Button List

  • Radio Button with Image

  • Single Choice – Horizontal Buttons (applicable only for Touchpoints and Journeys Surveys subscribers)


Multiple Choice

Respondent can choose more than one answer.

Which applications are subscriber applications for questionnaires?

  • Check Multiple Choices

  • Check Box with Image

  • Multiple Choices from List

  • Multiple Choice – Horizontal Buttons (applicable only for Touchpoints and Journeys Surveys subscribers)

Oracle Performance Management, Oracle Learning, Oracle Health and Safety, Oracle Recruiting

No Response

Instructional text only; no response is allowed.

Attach any supporting documentation that relates to this person's performance for this period.

Subscriber Applications

Subscriber applications are applications that can use questionnaires, for example, Oracle Performance Management. When creating a question, you must select a subscriber application for the question and a folder in which to include it. You can create folders for each subscriber application to store questions for the subscriber. For example, folders for Oracle Recruiting might be named for locations, where the organization has offices, such as San Francisco, Austin, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Bangalore, and Shanghai. A question is only available to questionnaires with the same subscriber.

Conditional Questions

When you select the Display the question conditionally check box, you need to specify the controlling question code and response. When the respondent answers the controlling question with the controlling response, the conditional question appears.

For example, for a controlling question such as, Did you receive assistance with this form?, if the controlling response is Yes, then you can display the conditional question, Which type of assistance did you receive?
Note: Add both the conditional question and the controlling question to the same section of the questionnaire.

You can also add response feedback visible to respondents to display a targeted message to their response, if the subscribing application uses response feedback.


You can assign your own response codes to the responses that you create in choice-based questions. The application provides the response code by default. But you can remove the response code and enter a code of your choice so that it's meaningful and helpful in organizing your setup.

If you enter a response code, please note the code must be unique for the entire set of responses across all questions and not just for a specific question. For example, you can only have one response code, “Yes” across all your questions.

Single-Choice and Multiple-Choice Questions

For single-choice questions, respondents select one response from several. You specify whether the responses appear in a list or as radio buttons. An example of a single-choice question is, "Have you completed a similar class?" Only one response for the options is expected, Yes or No.

You can select a rating model to quickly provide consistent responses. When you select a rating model, the rating levels appear as responses. For example, you create the questions "How do you rate your performance in this performance period?" and you associate the Performance Rating Model, which has 5 rating levels defined as Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Inconsistent, and Unsatisfactory. These 5 rating levels are automatically added as the response choices for the questions. You can add, remove, or edit the responses. If you change the rating model, for example, to the Language Rating Model, which has 3 ratings (High, Moderate, Low), the response choices will change, but the text for the question stays the same unless you edit it.

You can add feedback to display messages to users reviewing a completed questionnaire if the subscribing application has enabled this feature. The response feedback appears when the respondent submits the questionnaire.

When you configure a single-choice question as a radio button and specify that it isn't required, the No opinion response appears automatically as a response. This option allows respondents to change their responses to no opinion if they already selected a response that they can't deselect.

For multiple-choice questions, respondents can provide one or more answers. Specify whether the responses are presented as check boxes or a choice list. You can set both a minimum and maximum number of required responses. As with single-choice questions, you can associate a rating model with the response type. You can add responses to multiple-choice questions, as with single-choice questions. An example of a multiple-choice question is "Indicate which of the following grades you have taught. Select all that apply." A respondent can check grade levels, such as Kindergarten, first, second, third and so on.


You can assign your own response codes to the responses that you create in choice-based questions, single-choice or multiple-choice. You can assign meaningful identifiers to the questions by using your own question codes. If you don't want to, you can use the application-generated codes.

For choice-based question responses, you can add images when defining the response. To do this, enable one of these options in the Allow Response Types section of the questionnaire template:

  • Check box with image

  • Radio button with image

Outside the questionnaire, when defining an independent question, you can add an image to any type of question. For responses to choice-based questions, ensure that you select one of these options for Response Type.

  • Check box with image

  • Radio button with image

Response Scoring

You can configure single- and multiple-choice questions to be scored. To score the responses, you can either set them up to use user-defined scoring or select a rating model to use the predefined numeric rating. Responses using rating models are only scored when the question is configured for scoring. The application uses the score from the responses to calculate the score of questionnaires that are configured to be scored. With the rating models, you can edit the short description and the score.

Note: For the Touchpoints subscriber, scoring is enabled by default as pulse scores can be computed and displayed as graphs in Oracle Touchpoints only if it's enabled.

Editing a Question

When you edit a question, you can either create a new version or update it. You can see the version number when you edit a question. However, the version number is incremented only when you create a new version of the question and not when you update an existing version.

When you create a new version of the question, it won't be automatically included in a questionnaire that's in use and referencing an older version of the question. To include the new version, you need to create a new version of the questionnaire and add the question.

Randomized Questions and Answers

Just as questions can be randomized in a questionnaire section, the answer choices can be randomized. Randomized questions and answers help prevent users from copying answers from others or memorizing questions and answers to share with others.

You can have two kinds of randomization:

  • Position Randomization - This refers to the sequence of response choices for a given question. If 5 choices are available (a, b, c, d, e), the order in which these are shown to the respondent is randomized. For example, the choices can appear in the order e, d, c, b, a for one respondent. For another respondent, the choices can appear in the order a, c, b, e, d.

  • Selection Randomization - This refers to randomizing the response choices shown to the respondent from an available list of choices. For example, you set up a question that has a sample of 10 answer choices. You can show 5 random choices from the list of 10. The correct answer or answers are always included in the selection shown to the respondent.

You can set up single- and multiple-choice responses in random response order.

In addition to randomization in questions and answers, you can randomize the order of sections in a questionnaire.

Put Your Sections, Questions, and Answers in Random Order (Position Randomization)

This shows how to put sections and questions in random order. Optionally you can also put answers in random order.

  1. Go to the Settings and Actions menu.

  2. In the Administration area, select Setup and Maintenance.

  3. From Setup, select Workforce Development > Questionnaires.

  4. Search for or create a questionnaire. Note that you can't edit a questionnaire if it's in Active status.

  5. Select the Subscriber, for example, Performance 360.

  6. If needed, edit the Basic information and click Next.

  7. For the Section Order, select Random.

  8. In the Sections area, under the Question Order column, select Random.


You can achieve position randomization for answers when you select Random for the Response Order in the Sections area.

Put Your Answers in Random Order (Position Randomization)

This shows how to make the answers for a single question appear in random order.

  1. Go to the Settings and Actions menu.

  2. In the Administration area, select Setup and Maintenance.

  3. From Setup, select Workforce Development > Questionnaires.

  4. On the right side of the page, click Question Library.

  5. Select the Subscriber, for example, Performance 360. If you have multiple libraries, select a specific library.

  6. Search for or create a question. Note that you can't edit a question if it's in Active status.

  7. In the Response area, select Random for the Response Order .

  8. Enter a Sample Size that matches the number of answer choices that you define for the question. Sample size determines the number of answer choices shown to the respondent.

  9. Enter the possible answers in the table by clicking the Add icon. Make sure that you enter the correct answers in the table and indicate they're correct by selecting Yes in the Correct Response column.

    When the sample size matches, position randomization is enabled.

Create a Question with Randomized Answers (Selection Randomization)

This shows how to enable a higher level of randomization by randomizing the answer choices shown for a question.

  1. Go to the Settings and Actions menu.

  2. In the Administration area, select Setup and Maintenance.

  3. From Setup, select Workforce Development > Questionnaires.

  4. On the right size of the page, click Question Library.

  5. Select the Subscriber, for example, Performance 360. If you have multiple libraries, select the library.

  6. Search for or create a question. Note that you can't edit a question if it's in Active status.

  7. For the Question Type, select Multiple Choice or Single Choice.

  8. For the Response order, select Random.

  9. Enter the Sample Size for the answers. Sample size determines the number of answer choices shown to the respondent.

  10. Enter a number in the Minimum Number of Selections, for example, 1. The minimum number of selections determines how many choices the respondent must select at the minimum.

  11. Enter a number in the Maximum Number of Selections, for example, 2. The maximum number of selections determines the number of correct responses that will be shown to the respondent in the choices presented.

  12. Enter the possible answers in the table by clicking the Add icon. Make sure that you enter the correct answers in the table and indicate they're correct by selecting Yes in the Correct Response column.

Example of a Question with Randomized Answers

Question Details


Sample Information

Question text

Which of these countries is in Asia?

Question type

Multiple Choice

Response order


Sample size

Number of choices shown to the respondent


Minimum number of selections

Number of choices the respondent must select


Maximum number of selections

Number of correct responses that will be shown to the respondent


Number of correct answers


In the answer table, you enter the responses and indicate which are the correct ones.

Short Description

Correct Response



South Korea












New Zealand






Because you set the sample size as 6, the respondent will see 6 possible answers.

Which of these countries is in Asia?

  1. France

  2. South Korea

  3. Zimbabwe

  4. India

  5. Greenland

  6. Ethiopia

Because you set up selection randomization, another respondent might see the question with different responses, such as:

Which of these countries is in Asia?

  1. Lebanon

  2. India

  3. New Zealand

  4. France

  5. Columbia

  6. South Korea