How You Manage HCM Approval Transactions

Use the Transaction Console to easily monitor daily tasks related to HCM approvals.

In the Navigator menu, select Tools and then Transaction Console.

The Transaction Console provides diagnostic information and search capabilities that enable HCM Administrators to:

  • See the current status of all of the approval tasks in the application.

  • Monitor tasks that have failed and take appropriate actions like withdraw or reassign to resolve stuck transactions.

  • Search approval tasks based on user defined criteria.

  • Save search criteria.

  • Export the queried results to a spreadsheet.

  • Set up approval rules and routing policies.

  • Set up transaction flows to bypass approvals.

Approval Rules Tab

To view or configure the approval rules for a transaction, search for the transaction and click the Configure button in the Rules column in the search results. This opens the Rules configuration page where you can edit and save approval rules.

For more information, see the Basics of Approval Rules document on Oracle HCM Cloud Common Features Release 13 Transaction Console (2430452.1) on My Oracle Support at

Transaction Summary Tab

You can monitor all the tasks in the application and can search and filter the results based on various criteria. The Transaction Summary tab provides information on whether a process has failed or is pending, and how many instances of the process have failed or are pending. An approval process may fail due to various reasons, for example, if there is a network or database outage or an issue in the approval rules setup. An approval process may also remain in a pending state waiting for approval. For failed processes, you can view the error message generated in the application, and for pending processes, you can view the list of approvers. You can also view the current status of the approval which shows who the transaction is with or who might have already approved it. You can either withdraw a failed process or configure the approval rules and resubmit the process. If you withdraw the process, then the process is canceled and you can either start or submit a new transaction.

You can select a transaction and drill-down to the details page to download a diagnostic log that gives you more information on the transaction. In addition, if there are any attachments in the transaction, you can view those details as well in the log.

Archived Transaction Summary Tab

The Archived Transaction Summary tab of the Transaction Console lists transactions that have been archived by the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions scheduled process. You need to have the Review Archived Approval Transactions privilege to view this tab. This tab lists the details of the archived transactions and the time the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions scheduled process was last run. You can filter the transactions on this tab by these attributes:

  • Transaction ID
  • Object name
  • Process name

Click the object name to view its details such as approval history, comments and attachments, issue comments, and timeline. You can download the details of the archived transactions.

Bypassing Approvals

The application automatically initiates the approval process upon submitting a transaction, if the transaction has approvals configured. You can override this behavior by enabling the Bypass Approvals option for the transaction. If you bypass approval for a transaction, the transaction is committed immediately upon submit and is not routed for approval.


When you submit a termination transaction, you can select the Deferred processing option to postpone processing the transaction until the termination date. This option is typically used in future-dated terminations. However, if you enable Bypass Approvals for the termination transaction, the Deferred processing option will not be available for selection.

For more information, see The Basics of Approval Rules in Oracle HCM Cloud Common Features Release 13 Transaction Console (2430452.1) on My Oracle Support at

Diagnostic Log

You can select a transaction and drill-down to the details page to download a diagnostic log that gives you more information on the transaction. In addition, if there are any attachments in the transaction, you can view those details in the log too.

If you download the diagnostic log for a pending or error transaction, you can see the details in the Task Level Configuration and Transaction History sections.

Note: The display of the Task Level Configuration and Transaction History sections is controlled through a profile option which you need to create and set to False.