Message Groups

You can group messages by severity to internally define logging and classifying incident policies. You can group by category based on the functionality or program.

Category and severity values don't appear in logging entries, incidents, or on the UI.


The values in both options are predefined lookups but you can modify them. However, the maximum size of this field is 30 characters.

To group the messages, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Messages task.

Group by Category

Use this option to group messages that relate to one functionality, such as a scheduled process, together into one category. Select one of the predefined categories to enable automatic incident creation when the error message activates. By default, the following categories are available:

  • Product: Issues related to product functionality, setup, and maintenance. Such messages are typically intended for functional administrators or product super users.

  • System: Issues concerning the application, database, technology stack, and so on. Such messages are typically intended for technical users such as application administrators or database administrators.

  • Security: Issues concerning permissions, access, compliance, passwords, and so on. Such messages are typically intended for security administrators.

Group by Severity

This grouping attribute is very specific and indicates the severity of the message. You must set the severity to High to enable automatic incident creation for the message. The following are predefined values, but you can add more if required.

  • High: Used for serious messages that completely stop the progress of an important business process or affect a large user community, and require help desk's attention. Use this option to enable implicit incident creation for the message.

  • Medium: Used for less severe and more isolated messages.

  • Low: Used when you can't determine whether the message has a negative impact on end users or business processes.

Logging and Incidents

Select the Logging Enabled check box to include the UI message in the stored log file. To enable automatic incident creation when the error message appears on the UI, set the severity to High.

Incidents collect information about the application errors for which users may require assistance from help desk. An incident contains information about the state of the application at the time the problem occurred. Help desk can use the information in the incidents to resolve the problems.