Requirements for Flat Files to Upload Value Set Values

You can import large volumes of value set value data from the content repository.

To upload value set values to the content repository, create a flat file containing values in the value set you want to add or update. You upload these flat files using the File Import and Export page.

General Requirements

The first line of the flat file must contain the column names for the value set value data, including all mandatory columns, and separated by the '|' (pipe) character. Each subsequent line should contain a row of data specified in the same order as the column names, also separated by the '|' character.

The requirements for creating flat files vary with the type of value sets:

  • Independent value sets

  • Dependent value sets

Independent Value Set

A flat file for uploading values for independent value sets must contain the mandatory columns. The following table lists the three mandatory columns and their data types.

Column Name

Data Type





Enabled Flag

VARCHAR2(1), Y or N


You can also specify optional columns.


  • To upload values to a COLORS independent value set with the minimum columns, you can use the following flat file:

    ValueSetCode | Value | EnabledFlag
    COLORS | Red | Y
    COLORS | Orange | Y
    COLORS | Yellow | Y
  • To upload values to a STATES independent value set with more (optional) columns, you can use the following flat file:

    ValueSetCode | Value | Description | EnabledFlag
    STATES | AK | Alaska | Y
    STATES | CA | California | Y
    STATES | WA | Washington | Y

Dependent Value Sets

A flat file for uploading values for dependent value sets must contain the mandatory columns. The following table lists the four mandatory columns and their data types.

Column Name

Data Type

Value Set Code


Independent Value




Enabled Flag

VARCHAR2(1), Y or N


You can also specify optional columns.


To upload values to a CITIES dependent value set (dependent on the STATES independent value set), you can use the following flat file:

ValueSetCode | IndependentValue | Value | EnabledFlag
CITIES | AK | Juneau | Y
CITIES | AK | Anchorage | Y
CITIES | CA | San Francisco | Y
CITIES | CA | Sacramento | Y
CITIES | CA | Los Angeles | Y
CITIES | CA | Oakland | Y

Additional Optional Columns

In addition to the mandatory columns, you can add optional columns. The following table lists the optional columns for both dependent and independent value sets.

Column Name


Translated Value

VARCHAR2(150), for use in value sets that are translatable



Start Date Active

DATE, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

End Date Active

DATE, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

Sort Order


Summary Flag


Flex Value Attribute1 ... Flex Value Attribute20


User-defined Value Attribute1 ... User-defined Value Attribute10


Optional Columns to Support Descriptive Flexfields

You can also capture these additional columns on the value set values in the Manage Value Sets page. To capture these additional columns, you must configure the FND_VS_VALUES descriptive flexfield. This descriptive flexfield expects the context code to correspond to the value set code.

Column Name



This column corresponds to the API Name for a global segment defined in the FND_VS_VALUES descriptive flexfield.


This column corresponds to the API Name for a context sensitive segment defined in the FND_VS_VALUES descriptive flexfield.

Here's a sample file that contains the value set codes:

ValueSetCode|IndependentValue|IndependentValueNumber|IndependentValueDate|IndependentValueTimestamp|Value|ValueNumber|ValueDate|ValueTimestamp|TranslatedValue|Description|EnabledFlag|StartDateActive|EndDateActive|SortOrder|SummaryFlag| globalSegment1ApiName | contextSensitiveSegment1ApiName
VS1|||||DFF|||||Testing for  WS updated|Y|2000-01-11|2000-01-2|1||seg1v1|ndseg1vs3
VS1|||||KFF|||||Testing for  WS updated without segments|Y|2000-1-11|2000-01-22|1|seg1v2|nd1seg1vs4