Complete, Skip, or Correct Flows

When you submit an extract report or process or a flow, a checklist is generated. The checklist lists tasks sequentially; the sequence in which you perform to complete the flow.

This topic covers these aspects of working with flows:

  • Complete flows

  • Delete and skip flows

  • Correct tasks in a flow

Complete Flows

The Tasks Details tab of the checklist lists the manual and automatic tasks required to complete the flow. Review status icons to monitor the progress of tasks.

An automatic task is complete when the application finishes it successfully and marks it complete. A manual task is complete when you mark it complete or update its progress to 100 percent. With the exception of skipped tasks, you must complete a task before you can update the status as complete.

Delete and Skip Flows

Use the Payroll Flow Patterns task to delete a flow you copied or created, if you haven't yet submitted it. You can skip an entire flow or a task in a flow if you have submitted it.

Skip tasks, if you don't require the results when processing later tasks. If you submit a flow in error, skip the entire flow.

The details of when and who can control a flow or a flow task is given here.


Who Can Skip It


Task in a flow

Flow or task owner

The task isn't in progress.

An entire flow

Flow owner

None of the tasks are in progress.

Skip the flow from the Checklist page

Correct Tasks in a Flow

To correct records for a task, such as records in error or missing information, the actions you take in the checklist depend on whether the correction involves the current task in the checklist or a previous one.

For a current task:

  1. Mark the records for retry.

  2. Correct the records.

  3. Resubmit the task.


If records require more investigation, avoid delaying the start of the next task by rolling back the records and processing them separately. Resubmit the task to change its status to Complete.

If you discover you must correct an earlier task, you can undo the intervening tasks, correct the data and then resubmit the tasks.

For a previous task:

  1. Start with the last manual task in progress, even if it occurs in the next activity or task group.

  2. Set the status of the manual task to incomplete.

    • Roll back all the records processed by the task.

    • Retry to change the status to Paused to correct and retry records processed by the task.

  3. Repeat this process for each intervening task.

  4. Correct the records for the task in error.

  5. Resubmit the task.

If you submit separate flows, roll back or mark for retry the flows that lock the records in the current flow before you can process the correction.

For example, you have a user-defined flow that has the Calculate Payroll task after which you run the payroll and audit reports tasks. You have submitted the flow and all the tasks in the flow have completed successfully. You then discover that you have to correct some employee records for the Calculate Payroll task and resubmit the flow. Follow these steps to correct the records from the earlier run and resubmit the flow:

  1. Open the Calculate Payroll task from the checklist, use the Actions menu to set some records as 'Mark for Retry'. The status of the task changes to 'In Progress with Error'.

  2. Set the status of each sequential task in the flow as 'Mark for Retry'.

  3. Edit the records and then set the status of the Calculate Payroll task to 'Mark as Complete'.

  4. Resubmit the flow. The subsequent tasks run automatically.


If you don't complete Step 2 above, you may not see the 'Mark as Complete' status for the Calculate Payroll task.