Guidelines for Implementing Defaulting and Validation Rules

The implementation guidelines in this topic apply to the supported fields for HCM Redwood pages.

Additional Person Info

This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for the Additional Person Info page.

Supported Fields

  • In the Conditions
  • To Default Field Values
  • To Validate Field Values
Implementation Guidelines
  • Any segment part of a single or multi-rows context
  • Initial field values
  • Defaulting and validation rules with error only are supported within the same Person EFF context.

Change Assignment and Correct Employment Details

This table lists the supported regions, attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for the Change Assignment and Correct Employment Details processes.

Region In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
When and Why
  • When and why attributes
  • Action Reason
  • Action
  • Business Unit
  • Not supported
  • When and why attributes
  • Assignment attributes
  • Initial field values

Aren't supported for defaulting:

  • FTE
  • Key flexfields
  • Not supported

Additional Assignment Info


  • When and why attributes
  • Assignment attributes
  • Additional Assignment Info, single or multi-rows context
  • Additional Assignment Info, single or multi-rows context
  • Additional Assignment Info, single or multi-rows context
  • Refer to Working with Extensible Flexfields to view all context codes in business rules
  • Assignment attributes
  • Proposed Salary Basis
  • Adjustment Amount
  • Adjustment Percentage
  • Next Salary Review Date
  • Proposed Salary Basis
  • Salary Amount
  • Proposed Salary Basis field must be initialized with the Salary Basis ID, not Name.
  • Initial field values on salary fields aren't supported.


This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the mplementation recommendations for the Departments page.

In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
  • ActiveStatus
  • Departments Descriptive Flexfields
  • InternalAddressLine
  • LocationId
  • Name
  • SetCode
  • Title
  • Departments Descriptive Flexfields
  • InternalAddressLine
  • LocationId Name
  • Title
  • Departments Descriptive Flexfields
  • InternalAddressLine
  • LocationId
  • Name
  • Title

These aren't currently supported:

  • Defaulting in edit and duplicate flows
  • Attachments
  • Initial field values
  • Defaulting and validation for extensible flexfields

Document Records

This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for the Document Records pages.

It applies to all pages under Me, My Team, and My Client Groups tabs.

Page/Flow In the Conditions for both Defaulting and Validation To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
Document Records Landing Page
  • User Roles
  • When is the rule applied? (Values are Viewing other’s info and Viewing own info)
  • Country
  • Business Unit
  • Legal Employer
  • Document Type
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Tags
Not Applicable Not Applicable There is no support to create rules to validate or default based on other reference objects like Person, or Assignment).
Document Records > Add Flow Same as above
  • Code
  • Comments
  • Date From
  • Date To
  • Document Name
  • Document Number
  • Descriptive Flexfields
  • Developer Flexfields
  • Issued Date
  • Issuing Authority
  • Issuing Country
  • Issuing Location
  • Publish Date
  • Code
  • Comments
  • Date From
  • Date To
  • Document Name
  • Document Number
  • Descriptive Flexfields
  • Developer Flexfields
  • Issued Date
  • Issuing Authority
  • Issuing Country
  • Issuing Location
  • Publish Date
Same as above.

Change Salary

This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for the Change Salary page.

It applies to both pages under My Team and My Client Groups tabs.

In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
  • User Roles
  • Legal Employer
  • Business Unit
  • Country
  • Start Date
  • Action
  • Reason

Assignment attributes including

  • Assignment Status
  • Bargaining Unit
  • Business Unit
  • Working Hours Frequency
  • Hourly or Salaried
  • Legal Employer
  • Next Payroll Start Date
  • Payroll Start Date
  • Primary Work Relationship
  • Termination Date
  • US Job Info
  • Overtime Status
  • Working Hours
  • Job
  • Job Code
  • Job Function
  • Job Family
  • Position
  • Position Code
  • Position Budget Value
  • Position Standard Working Hours
  • Grade Ladder
  • Grade
  • Grade Code
  • Department
  • Department Code
  • Location
  • FTE

Additional Assignment Info segments

  • Start Date
  • Action
  • Reason
  • Proposed Salary Basis
  • Salary Amount
  • Next Salary Review Date
  • Proposed Salary Basis
  • Salary Amount
  • Next Salary Review
  • User Roles
  • Legal Employer
  • Business Unit
  • Country
  • Proposed Salary Basis
  • Salary Amount
  • Adjustment Amount
  • Adjustment Percentage
  • Next Salary Review Date
  • Rate Component Values through Advanced Expression
  • Validation with Error from Autocomplete Rules
  • Fields from When and Why, Salary Details section:
    • Start Date
    • Action
    • Reason
    • Proposed Salary Basis
    • Salary Amount
    • Annual Salary
    • Annual Full-time Salary
    • Compa-ratio
    • Salary Range
    • Salary Range Minimum
    • Salary Range Maximum
    • Salary Range Midpoint
    • Quartile
    • Quintile
    • Next Salary Review Date
    • Grade
    • Step
    • Ladder
    • Compensation Zone
    • Compensation Zone Type


  • Salary amount can be defaulted when using the user determined type of salary basis only.
  • Fields in the salary section can be defaulted based on the fields "listed in the conditions" row of this table.
  • Initial Field Values on salary fields aren't supported

Goal Management

This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for the Goal Management pages.

It applies to both pages under Me and My Team tabs.

Defaulting Validation
Page Supported Fields In the Conditions Supported Fields To Default Field Values Supported Fields In the Conditions To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
Performance Goal Details All Fields for which the value property is enabled.


  • GoalName
  • PersonNumber
  • AssignmentNumber
  • Source
  • GoalVersionType
  • StatusCode
  • StartDate
  • TargetCompletionDate
  • ActualCompletionDate
  • PercentCompletion
  • Category
  • Level
  • Weighting
  • RequestContext
  • Published
  • Publication Date
  • LoggedInPersonType
  • GoalPlanWeightEnabled


  • Priority
  • Weight
  • perfGoalTasks
  • TaskName
  • TaskTypeCode
  • StartDate
  • Status
  • TargetCompletionDate
  • PriorityCode
  • PercentCompletion
  • ActualCompletionDate
  • CompletionStatus
  • TargetType
  • TargetValue
  • UomCode


  • Actual Completion Date
  • Allow workers to update key attribute
  • Category
  • Goal name
  • Source
  • Goal version type
  • Level
  • completion percentage
  • person number
  • Priority
  • RequestContext
  • Start date
  • Status
  • Target completion date


  • Actual completion date
  • completion status
  • goal name
  • Completion percentage
  • priority
  • start date
  • status
  • target completion date
  • target type
  • target value
  • name
  • type
  • uom code
  • learning item relations -
    • learning item id
    • source type
Development Goal Details All Fields for which the value property is enabled. Same as above Same as above
Edit Weights Not Applicable Weight Not Applicable Weight


This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for Jobs.

It applies to the Jobs pages under My Client Groups tab.

Flow In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
Jobs: Add, Duplicate, and Update flows
  • User Roles
  • Full time or Part time
  • Manager level
  • Level
  • Regular or Temporary
  • Jobs descriptive flexfield
  • Job Family Id
  • Job Name
  • Job Code
  • Job Function Code
  • Level
  • Jobs descriptive flexfield


This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for the Positions pages.

It applies to the Positions pages under My Client Groups tab.

Flow In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
Positions: Add, Duplicate, and Update flows
  • User Roles
  • BargainingUnitCode
  • Budget Currency Code
  • BudgetedPositionFlag
  • Business Unit ID
  • Department ID
  • FullPartTime
  • HiringStatus
  • Job ID
  • Location ID
  • OverlapAllowedFlag
  • Position DFF
  • PositionType
  • ProbationPeriod
  • ProbationPeriodUnitCode
  • Regular or Temporary
  • Requisition Template ID
  • Union ID
  • ActionReasonId
  • PositionName
  • PositionCode
  • JobName
  • DepartmentName
  • LocationName
  • PositionsDFF
  • RequisitionTemplateId
  • AssignmentCategory
  • FullPartTime
  • RegularTemporary
  • Status
  • BusinessUnitId
  • StandardWorkingHours
  • Type
  • WorkingHours
  • EffectiveStartDate
  • BargainingUnitId
  • CollectiveAgreementId
  • UnionId
  • HiringStatus
  • ParentPositionCustomField
  • FTE
  • Cost Center ID
  • Headcount
  • StartTime
  • OverlapAllowedFlag
Any rule that refers to incumbent assignment data or collective agreement data is currently not supported.


This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for Payroll.

It applies to the Payroll section for below mentioned flows under My Client Groups tab.

Flow In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines

Payroll section in the following flows:

  • Add Assignment
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Nonworker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Convert Pending Worker
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Hire an Employee
Fields supported by Global Human Resources
  • Payroll
  • Overtime Period for Payroll
  • Timecard Required for Payroll
  • Tax Reporting Unit
  • Overtime Period for Assignment
  • Timecard Required for Assignment
  • Payroll
  • Overtime Period for Payroll
  • Timecard Required for Payroll
  • Tax Reporting Unit
  • Overtime Period for Assignment
  • Timecard Required for Assignment
Existing Autocomplete rule to default the Final Close during Termination will work in VB.

Talent Review and Succession Management

This table lists the supported attributes, exceptions, and the implementation recommendations for Talent Review and Succession Management.

It applies to pages under My Client Groups tab.

Page In the Conditions To Default Field Values To Validate Field Values Implementation Guidelines
Add Succession Plan

User Roles


  • Ranking
  • Candidate Readiness Code
  • Is Interim Successor
  • CandidateStatusCode


  • enableAlert
  • OwnerTypeCode


  • Private
  • Business Unit ID
  • DepartmentID
  • Grade ID
  • Incumbent Person ID
  • Job ID
  • PlanTypeCode
  • Position ID
  • Status Code
In Configure Fields and Regions, the Value property is only available for fields that can be defaulted.
Edit Succession Plan

User Roles


  • Ranking
  • Candidate Readiness Code
  • Is Interim Successor
  • CandidateStatusCode


  • enableAlert
  • OwnerTypeCode


  • Private
  • Business Unit ID
  • DepartmentID
  • Grade ID
  • Incumbent Person ID
  • Job ID
  • PlanTypeCode
  • Position ID
  • Status Code
In Configure Fields and Regions, the Value property is only available for fields that can be defaulted.
Talent Review Configuration

User Roles


  • Business Leader Id Dashboard Template Id
  • Meeting Date
  • Meeting Purpose
  • Meeting Status
  • Organization
  • Rating Submission Deadline
  • Talent Review Meeting
  • Talent Review Meeting DFF

Review Content

  • Data Validity Code
  • Include Matrix Manager
  • Questionnaire Id
  • Use Potential Assessment
  • Prior Rating Start Date
  • Prior Rating End Date


  • Name
  • Dashboard Template Id
  • CreatedBy
  • CreationDate
  • IncludeMatrixMgmt
  • IncludeSuccessionPlans
  • IncludeTalentPools
  • LastUpdateDate
  • LastUpdatedBy
  • OwnerId
  • PopulationSizeForESS
  • QuestionnaireId
  • TemplateStatusCodeInUse

Business Leader Assignment

  • AssignmentId
  • PersonId
  • BusinessTitle
  • EffectiveLatestChange
  • BusinessUnitId
  • AssignmentType
  • UserPersonTypeId
  • ProposedUserPersonTypeId
  • PrimaryFlag
  • PrimaryAssignmentFlag
  • PrimaryWorkRelationshipFlag
  • PositionId
  • JobId
  • GradeId
  • DepartmentId
  • ReportingEstablishmentId
  • LocationId
  • FullPartTime
  • ManagerFlag
  • CreatedBy
  • CreationDate
  • LastUpdatedBy
  • LastUpdateDate
  • JobSetId
  • GradeSetId
  • LocationSetId
  • DepartmentSetId
  • assignmentsEFF
  • managers
In Configure Fields and Regions, the Value property is only available for fields that can be defaulted.