Miscellaneous Formula Functions

Here are the formula functions that you can use to manipulate messaging data or retrieve values from user-defined tables:



Outputs a log message to the Enterprise Scheduler log file.

Refer to Formula Logging section in Improve Formula Performance, when considering using the ESS_LOG_WRITE function. This function should be used sparingly as it can impact system performance.


GET_LOOKUP_MEANING(lookup_type, lookup_code [, default_meaning])

Returns the lookup meaning for the lookup type and code. The default meaning can be provided to return a value if the lookup type and code combination isn't valid. An error will be raised if the lookup type and code combination isn't valid, and no default meaning is provided.


GET_MESG(appname, msgname [, token1, value1] [, token2, value2] [, token3, value3] [, token4, value4] [, token5, value5] )

GET_FND_MESG(appname, msgname [, token1, value1] [, token2, value2] [, token3, value3] [, token4, value4] [, token5, value5] )

Returns an expanded version of the application message specified using appname, msgname, and up to five pairs of message tokens and their corresponding values.


GET_RATE(from_currency, to_currency, rate_type[,default_rate])

Returns the rate between the two currencies for a given conversion date and rate type. The return type is NUMBER.

Contexts: EFFECTIVE_DATE (text) is the conversion date.


  • FROM_CURRENCY (text): An example would be USD.

  • TO_CURRENCY (text): An example would be GBP.

  • RATE_TYPE (text): The source of a currency conversion rate, such as user defined, spot, corporate, or fixed.


    During journal entry, the conversion rate is provided automatically by the General Ledger based on the selected conversion rate type and currency, unless the rate type is user. For user rate types, you must enter the conversion rate. Define additional rate types as needed. Set your most frequently used rate type as the default.

  • DEFAULT_RATE (number): The rate that's returned if GET_RATE can’t get a rate. A typical value for this would be 1.0.

GET_RATE calls a General Ledger product API. The API retrieves the rate from the General Ledger daily rates or fixed rates, where appropriate.


GET_TABLE_VALUE(table_name, column_name, row_value [,default_value])

GET_TABLE_VALUE(table_name, column_name, row_value, effective date)

Returns the value of a cell in a user-defined table on the effective date of the session or process. The first three text operands identify the cell. An optional fourth parameter does one of the following, depending on its data type:

  • Text: Returns a text default value if no data is found.

  • Date: Returns the value of the cell on the specified date.

Here’s an example of this function:

GET_TABLE_VALUE('WAGE RATES', 'Wage Rate', Rate_Code, 'DEFAULT'): Returns the row_value for Wage Rate or DEFAULT if it doesn’t find a row.


GET_VALUE_SET(value_set_code, bind)

Returns the first record of the given value set for the bind passed, whereby the bind needs to be in this format: <Separator character> <equal character><first parameter name><equal character><value><Separator character><second parameter name><equal character><value><Repeat the same for more bind parameters>

The return value is up to 100 characters long and is a value set id column value.

GET_VALUE_SET_ID is an alternative name for GET_VALUE_SET.

Here's an example of this function:

ASG_NUMBER=GET_VALUE_SET('SAMPLE_GET_ASG_NUM', '|=PERSON_ID='''||POSITION3||'''') Passes data to a fast formula function to retrieve assignment number given PERSON_ID whose value is set from the position3 variable.


Use the GET_VALUE_SET function to retrieve information when a database item isn't available. This function supports Value Set with Validation Type = Table, Value Data Type = Character and no aliases.


GET_VALUE_SET_VALUE(value_set, code, bind)

The return value is up to 255 characters long and is a value set value column value. The parameters and value set configuration are the same as for GET_VALUE_SET.


GET_VALUE_SET_IDS(value_set, code, bind)

GET_VALUE_SET_IDS corresponds to GET_VALUE_SET_ID, but returns a TEXT_NUMBER array of values instead of a TEXT value. The parameters and value set configuration are the same as for GET_VALUE_SET.

GET_VALUE_SET_CODES is an alternative name for GET_VALUE_SET_IDS.


GET_VALUE_SET_VALUES(value_set, code, bind)

GET_VALUE_SET_VALUES corresponds to GET_VALUE_SET_VALUE, but returns a TEXT_NUMBER array of values instead of a TEXT value. The parameters and value set configuration are the same as for GET_VALUE_SET.



Outputs a trace message.


It's more efficient to use an application-specific logging function than HR_TRACE.