Overview of Using Fast Formula Components

When you're developing a fast formula, you must understand the formula language, the rules that the application imposes on the fast formula, and the calculation requirements.

Create fast formulas using these components:

  • Assignment statements

  • Return statements

  • Variables

  • Input statements

  • Expressions

  • Conditions

  • Comments


Other topics explain additional components that you can use in fast formulas. These include literals, database items, working storage area, calls to other formulas, functions, and operators.

Let's look at an example to understand how each component is used in a fast formula. Suppose you want to calculate the pay value for the WAGEelement by multiplying the number of hours an employee works each week by the hourly rate. Here's how you can write the formula in this example:


Assignment Statements

An assignment statement assigns a value to the WAGE element.

Return Statements

A return statement passes the WAGE value back to the payroll run. You can use a return statement to stop the formula execution without passing any values.


Variables are of these classes:

  • Input variables appear in INPUTS statements and bring values into a fast formula.

  • Output variables appear in RETURN statements and return values from a fast formula. A variable can be both an input and output.

  • Local variables are only used within one formula.

You can change a local variable within the formula by assigning a value to it using an assignment statement. To calculate the WAGE value, the fast formula needs to get the value for the HOURS_WORKED variable.

You can use local variables to store data in a fast formula. You might want to hold data temporarily while you perform some other calculations, or pass data back to the application. Here's an example of the ANNUAL_LEAVE variable.

/* Formula: Annual Leave Formula */

Input Statements

You can use HOURS_WORKED as an input value of the WAGE element. To pass the element input values to the fast formula during processing, define an input statement like this:


This is a payroll application example. The name used in the input statement must be the same as the name of the element input value. Multiple words must be joined by underscores. Other input statements that have nothing to do with elements would have their own rules for formula input variables. In this example, the HOURS_WORKED input variable is numeric. If the input variable isn't numeric, you must specify the type. For example,



Each function or calculation is one expression. You can nest expressions to create more complex calculations. You can use brackets to control the order in which calculations are done.

The formula evaluates expressions within the brackets first. Within nested brackets, evaluation proceeds from the least inclusive set to the most inclusive set. If you don't use brackets, the formula evaluates expression in this order:

  • Multiplication, Division

  • Addition, Subtraction


For same priority, the formula evaluates the expression from left to right.

Expressions combine constants and variables with operators (+, -, *, /), array methods, and functions to return a value of a certain data type. For example, the expression (3 + 2) returns a value of 5, and is a NUMBER data type. The format of an expression is:


You can combine a number of sub-expressions into a single expression. For example, you can combine the sub-expressions (3 + 2) and MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, end_date) into a single expression as follows:

(3 + 2) + MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, end_date)

You can also use expressions inside functions, such as:

salary = GREATEST(minimum_wage, (hourly_rate * hours_worked))

Operands in an expression are usually of the same data type, which is the data type of the expression as a whole. Here's an example of an expression in which all the operands are numeric and the expression itself is numeric:


BONUS is the operand for the above expression. The return value is GREATEST. The arguments for GREATEST are separate expressions.


You can use conditions to process expressions based on whether a certain condition occurs. For example:

IF (AGE < 20) THEN

This formula checks if the condition (AGE < 20) is true or false. If it's true, the formula processes the statement that follows the word THEN. If the condition is false, the formula ignores this statement.


Use comments to explain all or part of a fast formula. Also, you can change some formula lines into comments until they're ready to be used. You can place comments anywhere within a formula. The beginning of a fast formula should contain these comments:

  • The formula title and a short purpose statement.

  • A description of the formula inputs.

  • A list of variables and literals that may require updating.

  • An explanation of the formula's calculation.

  • The dates of any modifications, the name of the person modifying the formula, and the reason for the change.

Multi-Line Comments

Multi-line comments are designated by the comment delimiters of /* and */. Anything written inside these delimiters is a comment.

Note: Do not put a multi line comment within a multi line comment, because it causes a syntax error when you compile the formula.

Single Line Comments

Fast formula also supports single line comments. The # character is used for the start of single line comments. The # character itself and any text after it to the end of the line are ignored.

Comments Example:

# This line is a single line comment and will be ignored.
 * This is a multi-line comment.
a = 1 # Ignore the # character and everything after it on the line.
b = '####' # b is the string ####. The remainder of the line is ignored. 
return a, b