Create Payroll Elements

This example shows how to define elements for a US legislative data group where the country extension is set to Payroll Interface.

This table summarizes the key decisions for each element that you define and provides the selections for this example.

Decision to Consider

In This Example

What is the primary classification?

One of these choices:

  • Standard Earnings

  • Supplemental Earnings

  • Taxable Benefits

  • Pretax Deductions

  • Voluntary Deductions

Information elements aren't supported.

At which employment level should this element be attached?

Select the appropriate level. Typical examples are:

  • Payroll relationship level for deductions and benefits elements

  • Assignment or terms level for salary, pension, and social insurance elements

  • Assignment level for overtime rules, rates, and bonus elements

Verify whether your third-party payroll provider can handle terms-level information.

Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?

Select Recurring or Nonrecurring.

What are the values to enter for deduction elements?

Period Deduction Amount

Goal Amount

Define an Element

Before you define an element, set your country extension to Payroll Interface on the Features by Country or Territory page. This setting controls the behavior of important payroll-related features, such as element templates.

  1. On the Home page, click the Elements quick action under the My Client Groups tab.

  2. On the Elements page, click Create.

  3. Select your Legislative Data Group.

  4. Select the primary classification that matches the purpose or use of the payroll element.



    Primary Classification

    Recurring base pay

    Annual salary, hourly earnings

    Standard Earnings

    Recurring payments


    Standard Earnings

    Nonrecurring payments


    Supplemental Earnings

    Recurring or nonrecurring voluntary deductions

    Savings plans, charitable contributions, or uniform deposit

    Voluntary Deductions

  5. In the Category field, select Standard.

  6. Select the secondary classification that corresponds to the selected primary classification.

    Example Purpose or Use

    Secondary Classification

    Recurring base pay


    Nonrecurring payment


    Recurring voluntary deduction

    Select the relevant choice. If there is none, leave it blank.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. On the Basic Information page, complete these fields. Click Next.


    Sample Value


    Annual Salary

    Hourly Wages


    Spot Bonus

    Red Cross Contribution

    Reporting Name

    Enter the name that you want to display on reports for this earnings or deduction payroll element.

    Effective Date


    Enter an early date so that the payroll element is available for use immediately.


    US Dollar

    Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it?


    What is the earliest entry date for this element?

    First Standard Earnings Date

    What is the latest entry date for this element?

    Last Standard Process Date

    At which employment level should this element be attached?

    Select the appropriate level, such as terms or assignment level for salary.

    Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?

    Recurring or Nonrecurring

    Process the element only once in each payroll period?


    Can a person have more than one entry of this element in a payroll period?


    Process and pay element separately or with other earnings elements?

    Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt from Federal Tax?

    Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt from Federal Tax?


    Does this element have a limit on the amount which is exempt at state level?


  9. Click Next.

  10. On the Additional Details page, complete these details:



    What is the default periodicity of this element?


    Periodicity Conversion Rule

    Standard Rate Annualized

  11. Verify whether the information is correct, click Submit.

Set Up Values for Deduction Elements

Configure values for deductions and select the special purpose Primary Input Value as one of the values.

Specify a value that limits the amount deducted for a value using a goal amount for recurring elements.

  1. On the Element Summary page, Element Overview hierarchy, select Input Values.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Create Input Values.

  3. For all deduction elements, enter these values:




    Name of the value, such as Period Deduction Amount

    Display Sequence


    Special Purpose

    Primary input value or Percentage

    Unit of Measure


    Create a Database Item


  4. For recurring deduction elements with a goal amount, name the value Goal Amount

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Submit.

Set Up Element Eligibility

On the Element Summary page, update the newly defined element detail for eligibility.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Update.

  2. In the Element Overview hierarchy, select Element Eligibility.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Create Element Eligibility.

  4. In the Element Eligibility name field, enter the element name with the suffix as Open.

  5. In the Eligibility Criteria section, select All payrolls eligible.

  6. Save and submit the element.