Compare Roles

You can compare two roles to identify differences and similarities. The roles can be job roles, abstract roles, HCM data roles, duty roles, or aggregate privileges. You can compare roles of the same or different types.

For example, you can compare a job role with a duty role or a custom job role with its predefined equivalent. This topic describes how to compare two roles.

Compare Two Roles

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, click Compare Roles. The Compare Roles page opens.

  2. In the First Role field, search for and select the first of the two roles to compare.

  3. In the Second Role field, search for and select the second role.

  4. Set Filter Criteria to one of these values to identify the security artifacts to compare in each of the roles:

    • Function security policies

    • Data security policies

    • Inherited roles

  5. Set Show to one of the values shown in this table to identify the security artifacts to display in the comparison results.




    All selected artifacts for both roles.

    Only in first role

    Selected artifacts that appear in the first role but not in the second role

    Only in second role

    Selected artifacts that appear in the second role but not in the first role

    In both roles

    Only those selected artifacts that appear in both roles

    For example, if you set Filter Criteria to Inherited roles and Show to In both roles, then you see the roles that both roles inherit. The comparison excludes any role that only one of the roles inherits.

  6. Click Compare. You can query by example to filter the results. The comparison is refreshed automatically if you change the Show or Filter Criteria values.


    Click Export to Excel to save the comparison data to a spreadsheet.

  7. Click Done to close the Compare Roles page.

Alternative ways of comparing roles on the Roles tab exist. You can:

  • In the search results, select Compare Roles from the Actions menu for a role in the search results

  • In the graphical view of a role, select the role, right-click, and select Compare Roles.

In both cases, the selected role becomes the first role in the role comparison.

Copy Privileges to the Second Role in the Comparison

You can make some updates to the second role in the comparison without having to edit the role explicitly. That is, you can copy a selected function or data security policy from the first role to the second role when you set:

  • Filter Criteria to either Function security policies or Data security policies

  • Show to Only in first role


The second role in the comparison must be a custom role.

To copy a selected policy to the second role, you click Add to Second Role.