Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants Job Set

After upgrade, you must regenerate HCM data roles that inherit updated job roles. You must also regenerate updated abstract roles to which security profiles are assigned. The job and abstract roles might be predefined or custom.

We recommend regenerating your security profiles to uptake changes that Oracle might deliver as part of the upgrade. The Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants job set streamlines the regeneration of HCM data roles, abstract roles, and security profiles.


The Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants job set is run automatically for you at quarterly upgrade. However, it is essential that you verify that the job set is successfully completed. We don't recommend scheduling this job set on a recurring basis.

We expect that this job set process will complete by the time your updated environment is released back to you; however, it might still be in Running status. You need to wait until the status is Succeeded or Completed before starting any regression testing. The process might take longer for larger organizations.

Verify Successful Completion of the Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants Job Set

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in as an IT Security Manager user, or another user with IT Security Manager access.

  2. Open the Scheduled Processes work area.

  3. In the Scheduled Processes work area, search for the Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants job set process and verify that the status is either Succeeded or Completed.

  4. If your job set does not complete successfully, try to rerun it manually.

Manually Run the Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants Job Set

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in as an IT Security Manager user, or another user with IT Security Manager access.

  2. Open the Scheduled Processes work area.

  3. In the Scheduled Processes work area, click Schedule New Process and select Job Set in the dialog box.

  4. Select Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants job set and click OK.

You might need to manually run the job set if you're switching between assignment and person-based security. For more information on assignment-level security, see Implementing Assignment-Level Security in HCM (2700661.1).