
You can use HCM Data Loader (HDL) to bulk-load data into your descriptive and extensible flexfield segments and to upload attachments and images for those HDL objects that support it.


It's expected that you understand how to create and upload files using HCM Data Loader. If you're new to HDL, you should complete the tutorials listed in the Prerequisites section first.


In this tutorial you will:

  • Understand how to supply data for descriptive flexfield segments.
  • Load data into extensible flexfield segments.
  • Understand how to supply images and attachments.
  • Load person images using the Worker object.


To complete this tutorial, you will require:

It's recommended that you complete these tutorials before attempting this tutorial:

Task 1: Finding Flexfield Attribute Names

In this step, you will learn how to find the HDL attribute names for the flexfield segments you have configured. It assumes flexfield configuration is complete and changes have been deployed.

  1. Log into the application with a user with HCM Data Loader access.
  2. Navigate to Data Exchange > View Business Objects.
  3. Use the Query by Example fields to search for the Job Business Object.
  4. Select the business object and click Refresh Object.
  5. Click Refresh Object

  6. Click Submit on the Schedule Request page.
  7. Click View Process Results in the page header.
  8. Refresh the table until the process to refresh your object has completed, then return to the View Business Objects page.
  9. Tip:

    You only need to refresh an object when you've configured new flexfield segments. This process updates the list of available attributes for the object.
  10. Click on the Job Business Object name to navigate to the Business Object Details page.
  11. You'll see the object hierarchy on the left, click the component in the hierarchy that you want to find the flexfield attribute information for.
  12. Click on the Flexfield Attributes tab.
  13. Change the Context to the context you want to find the attributes for and click Search.
    Flexfield Attributes tab

  14. The list of attribute names to use in your HCM Data Loader file are displayed:
  15. Flexfield Attributes

Task 2: Loading Flexfield Data

In this step, you will learn how to supply METADATA and MERGE lines to upload data to flexfield segments.

Flexfield Context

When loading flexfield segments, HDL needs to understand the context of the flexfield data being loaded. You can only load data for one context on a MERGE line, though for descriptive flexfields, global segments can be populated along with context specific segments.

  1. For both descriptive and extensible flexfields the context is defined using the attribute:
  2. FLEX:{flexfield code}


  3. When supplying flexfield segments the attribute name includes a hint which names the flexfield code and context:
  4. {flexfield attribute name}({flexfield code}={context code}) 

    For example, clearanceLevel(PER_JOBS_DFF=US_JOB_REQ). This format tells HDL that the clearance level segment belongs to the PER_JOBS_DFF flexfield within the US_JOB_REQ context.

Loading Descriptive Flexfield Segments

Descriptive flexfields extend a business-object component. You supply the attributes of the descriptive flexfield on the same MERGE line as the core attributes of the business-object component. On the METADATA line, you must include both the flexfield code and the descriptive flexfield attributes for which you want to load data.

As descriptive flexfield segments aren’t preconfigured, it isn’t possible to provide an example you can upload. Use these steps to understand how to load descriptive flexfield data, but the attribute names and values will need to be replaced with data relevant to your configuration.

  1. Create a new file and supply a METADATA line defining the core attributes, along with the descriptive flexfield attributes you want to include data for. For example:
  2. METADATA|Job|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|EffectiveStartDate|SetCode|JobCode|Name|FLEX:PER_JOBS_DFF|clearanceLevel(PER_JOBS_DFF=US_JOB_REQ)
  3. Add MERGE lines to your file to specify the core attribute values, flexfield context and flexfield segment values, such as:

    This will load a value of HIGH to the Clearance Level descriptive flexfield segment that exists within the US_JOB_REQ flexfield context.

Loading Extensible Flexfield Segments

In addition to a flexfield code and context, extensible flexfields also have a category code, which must be supplied to the EFF_CATEGORY_CODE attribute.

  1. Create a new file and add the following METADATA line:
  2. METADATA|JobLegislative|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|JobId(SourceSystemId)|EffectiveStartDate|LegislationCode|InformationCategory|FLEX:PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF|EFF_CATEGORY_CODE|_EEO1_CATEGORY(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF=HRX_US_JOBS)|_FLSA_STATUS(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF=HRX_US_JOBS)
  3. Add the following MERGE line to your file:

    This table explains the flexfield attributes supplied in this file:

    Attribute Name Value Description
    FLEX:PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF HRX_US_JOBS The context code of the flexfield.
    EFF_CATEGORY_CODE JOB_LEG The flexfield category code.
    _EEO1_CATEGORY(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF=HRX_US_JOBS) PROFESSIONAL The EEO1 Category segment on the HRX_US_JOBS context of the PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF flexfield.
    _FLSA_STATUS(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF=HRX_US_JOBS) NONEXEMPT The FLSA Status segment on the HRX_US_JOBS context of the PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF flexfield.


    These flexfield segments are lookup validated. The lookup code is supplied, but if you need to supply the meaning to a flexfield attribute, you append _Display to the attribute name, such as: _EEO1_CATEGORY_Display(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF=HRX_US_JOBS)

  5. Save your file, naming it Job.dat.
  6. Compress (zip) your Job.dat file into a filename of your choice.
  7. Import and load your job flexfield data using the Import and Load Data task.

Task 3: Loading Images and Attachments

In this step, you will create a file to upload person images. Attachments are loaded in the same way.

You will extend the New Hire example created in the Create and Load New Hires with HCM Data Loader (HDL) tutorial.

  1. Create a new file and add the following:
  2. METADATA|PersonImage|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|PersonId(SourceSystemId)|ImageName|Image|PrimaryFlag
    MERGE|PersonImage|EMP|HDL001_IMG|HDL001|Chris Wells Profile|chris_wells.png|Y
    MERGE|PersonImage|EMP|HDL002_IMG|HDL002|Lorraine Hugh Profile|lorraine_hugh.jpg|Y

    The PersonImage component is used to upload the employee's image.

    • Each PersonImage record is identified by a source key. For example, EMP, HDL001_IMG.
    • The parent record is identified using the PersonId attribute. As the source system ID is used to identify the parent record, the attribute has the (SourceSystemId) hint.
    • The ImageName attribute is used to supply a name for the image.
    • The Image attribute is used to specify the name of the file to be uploaded.
  3. Save your file, naming it Worker.dat.
  4. Tip:

    Although your file only has PersonImage records, it must still be named for the object hierarchy the PersonImage component belongs to.
  5. In the same directory as your Worker.dat file, create a sub-directory and name it BlobFiles.
  6. Tip:

    Image and attachments files are loaded into attributes that have either a BLOB or CLOB data type. You must supply your image and attachment files in a directory named for the data type of the attribute being used. For example, BlobFiles or ClobFiles.
  7. Add the files specified to the Image attribute within your Worker.dat file, to the BlobFiles directory. For example, chris_wells.png and lorraine_hugh.jpg.
  8. Tip:

    You can use your own files, or download chris_wells.png and lorraine_hugh.jpg.
  9. Compress (zip) your Worker.dat file along with your BlobFiles sub-directory, into a file name of your choice, or you can download and edit the Person file.
  10. You can now upload your file with HCM Data Loader.

Next Steps

The following tutorials will further expand your HCM Data Loader knowledge:

The latest tutorials for HDL and HSDL are published in this topic on Cloud Customer Connect:

For further information, refer to these help topics:


  • Authors - Ema Johnson (Senior Principal Product Manager)

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