Document Types and Categories

Use document records to create and manage documents such as medical certificates, licenses, and visas. You can create your own document types to supplement the predefined document types, categories, and subcategories.

Use the Document Records task from Quick Actions, person spotlight, My Team work area, or person smart navigation to create and maintain document records for a person.

The system document type displays on the setup page after you create the document type. Here are the attributes you can configure for a document type:


What You Use it For

System Document Type Read-only field that's displayed when the document type is saved.
Document Type Level Specify whether the document type you want to create is at the person or assignment level. The default type is Person. If you specify Person, the assignment ID isn't populated for document records.


Categorize the document. You can translate the document type using the Translation Editor icon.


Compose and format content using the built-in rich text format when you create or edit a document type. The character limit of the field is 4000 characters. The formatted content is displayed in the read-only Description field on the responsive Document Records page and plugin region for the document type. You can view the read-only Description field when you create or edit a document record.
Note: If you add an image in the Description field, it will take up the 4000 character limit specified for the field. Instead, you can use the Reference Info (document type attachments) field to add the image.

Expiration Notification Period

Specify an expiration period for this document type. This is an information-only field and doesn't determine any automatic notification.

Note: This field must be populated in the Document Type Setup page to display the document records in the Document Expiry report.

Minimum Attachments

Specify the number of attachments users should include for the document record.

You can control the display of the Attachments section on the Document Records page by entering a numeric value in the Minimum Attachments field. If you enter a value of -1, the Attachments section is hidden. You can use this feature to restrict users from uploading attachments to document types that don't need supporting documents.

Here are a few points to consider about the feature:

  • It’s only applicable for transactions done using the UI.
  • It’s not applicable when you use HCM Data Loader and REST API.
  • If there are existing attachments and the attribute value is set to -1, then the Attachments section is read-only and you can't update the attachment. You can only view the attachment in read-only mode.
  • Even if you set the value of the Minimum Attachments attribute to -1:
    • You can still use the Add from Attachment feature to prefill Document Record attributes by scanning an attachment.
    • It allows attachments to be automatically uploaded as part of the Generate Letter feature, but the Attachments section will be read-only.
  • You can enable this feature even for existing document types.

Report Path

Specify the path of the BI publisher template that enables a report or letter to be generated when creating a document record for the document type.

For example, /Custom/Human Capital Management/Document Records/Visa Application.xdo


Indicate the country the document type applies to. Default is All Countries.

When workers create a document record this displays as a read-only field. It isn't available for selection and can't be updated once the document type is created. It also doesn't restrict selection of a document type by matching any assignment information of the worker.


Group documents into meaningful categories at a higher level. For example, absence. You can use the DOCUMENT_CATEGORY lookup type to define new document categories and subcategories

When workers create a document record this displays as a read-only field. It isn't available for selection when creating the document record and can't be updated after the document type is created.


Further group documents into subcategories. For example, general or medical. Define document categories as values for the DOCUMENT_CATEGORY lookup type and document subcategories as extended lookup values for the selected category.

This is read-only. It isn't available for selection when creating a document record and can't be updated after the document type is created.

The subcategory that you specify for a document type will be displayed in the Document Type LoV when you add or mass download document records. You can use the subcategory value to accurately search and filter the document type.
Note: It’s recommended that you select a value for the Subcategory attribute when configuring a document type to further classify document records.


Classify and group document types during creation and editing. These tags are used as a starting point:
  • Employment
  • Identification
  • Legal

However, you can add additional values to the ORA_PER_DOC_TYPE_TAGS lookup type.

You can also classify and group related document types under the same tag for higher-level reporting and filtering on the Document Records landing page.


Indicate whether new document records can be created for this document type.

Note: Document records of this type can be viewed, edited, and deleted even if the status of the document type is inactive.

Approval Required

Indicate whether document records created for this document type need approval. If you set this attribute to No, document records won't go through document approval.

Allow Multiple Occurrences

Indicate whether multiple records of this document type can be created for the person.
Note: This check is performed against the individual assignments of the person and not against the person. This lets you create a document record per assignment instead of one document record per person.
For example, if you have the following configuration in the Document Type Information page:
  • Document Type: Employment Agreement
  • Document Type Level: Assignment
  • Allow Multiple Occurrences: No

In a situation where you have 2 assignments titled A1 and A2 and you need to upload a signed copy of the Employment Agreement for each assignment. With the above configuration, it's possible to create 2 document records of the same type (one document record per assignment) even when the Allow Multiple Occurrences option is set to No.

Publish Required

Indicate whether documents are available from a specified date or immediately. If this is set to Yes, it displays as a required field in the Add Document Record flow. You can edit the publish date using REST, HDL, or HSDL.


If the publish date is in the future, the document record won't display on the Document Records list page until that date. However, users having the View Unpublished Document Records privilege can select Show in the Future Published field to see such document records.

See the topic, Make Document Records Available from a Specific Date

Enable Document Delivery Preferences

Indicate delivery preferences for the document.

Use these tabs to configure other information for the document type:

  • Document Record Preferences - includes document record attributes, settings for restricting and archiving, and flexfield preferences.

    These are the archive options:
    • Archive Criteria Basis: By default this LoV is blank. You can select either the Creation Date, From Date, To Date, or Issued On.
    • Archive After Days: By default this field is blank. It’s a required field where you enter a number that’s greater than 0 and less than or equal to 18000. For example, if you enter 2, the document records will be archived 2 days after the date selected for Archive Criteria Basis.
    • Purge After Days: By default this field is blank. It’s a required field where you enter a number that’s greater than 0 and less than or equal to 18000. For example, if you enter 2, the document records will be purged 2 days after the archive date.
    Flexfield preferences: You can configure display preferences for the document record flexfield (global and context) for each document type and configure the default value for the document record flexfield context. These are some points to consider when you configure the preferences:
    • The configuration for the context attributes of the document record flexfield is optional.
    • By default, the context attributes of the document record flexfield have a value of null.
    • The context attribute fields of the document record flexfield are displayed as read-only or are hidden based on the configuration done for the document type in the Add Document Records and View Document Records pages.
    • It is recommended that you don’t make the context attribute of the document record flexfield as required if you set it as Hide or Read only. Otherwise, the user will see an error message when adding or editing a document record.
    • The context preferences of the document record flexfield are applicable only when adding or editing a document record from the UI. They don’t apply when adding or editing document records using HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.
    • The existing page Composer customizations always take precedence. You need to remove the existing customizations and configure the document record flexfield preferences accordingly.
    • It’s recommended that you configure the document record flexfield preferences instead of using page composer personalization.
    • You can export and import the context attributes of the document record flexfield by using Functional Setup Manager (FSM).
  • Additional Information - includes flexfield information, if it is configured.
  • Document Delivery Preferences - includes delivery preferences, if enabled.

  • Attachments - includes reference files for a document type that workers can use when creating a document record of that type. You can optionally add titles for the document type attachments that you upload in the Reference Info section when you add or edit a document record. The URL or file name that you enter is defaulted in the Title field, you can change the title. These are some points to consider when you add a title:

    • The title won't be displayed in the Reference Info section of the document record when viewed on a mobile device.
    • Titles are not supported for attachments that are added as part of a document record. For such attachments, only the file name or URL is displayed.
    • The Title field has a limit of 80 characters. If the file name is more than 30 characters, the first 30 characters are defaulted in the Title field. You can manually update the document title up to 80 characters.
    • If you're adding a URL as an attachment on the Redwood document type page, you can use only lower case.

For more information, see these documents on Customer Connect:

  • Document Records - Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting Guide (

  • Document Records - How to Store BI Report Output as DOR Using HCM Extracts (

  • Document Records - Controlling Security of Document Records (

  • Document Records - Generate Letter from Document Record for Specific Doc Type (

  • Document Records - Document Records Approvals - Frequently Asked Questions (
  • Document Records - Personalization-Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting Guide (