Process to Link Source and Destination Assignments for Global Transfer
Use the Migrate Employment Data process to link the source and destination assignments during a global transfer. By linking the assignments, you can view the complete assignment history of the source and destination work relationships.
Here's what the process does:
Selects all active workers (employee, contingent worker, and nonworker) who don't have their termination dates populated in the work relationship and for whom the source assignment ID isn't populated.
Identifies the source and destination assignment IDs for the selected workers based on these items:
Action occurrence ID.
Comparison of the assignment start date of the destination assignment and assignment end date of the source assignment.
Once identified, the process stores the assignment ID of the primary assignment as the source assignment in the destination assignment.
The Migrate Employment Data process will populate the SOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_ID field in the PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M table only for global transfer.
During a global temporary assignment, the assignment ID isn't stored as the source assignment ID.
Points to Consider
You can run this process to only link your existing global transfer transactions. Change legal employer transactions initiated from the UI after release 20B will be linked by the application.
You can rerun the process, but the process will only select data where the source assignment ID isn't populated for a global transfer action.
When you run the process, it includes all active workers and processes their historical records including those from their earlier work relationship. For example, the process will also include the historical records of a currently active rehired worker.
Process Parameter
The Migrate Employment Data process uses the Link Global Transfer assignments parameter. This parameter links the source and destination assignments related to global transfer by updating the PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M table.
View History of Assignment Updates
After you have linked the source and destination assignments, you need to set the ORA_PER_EMPL_DISPLAY_GT_HISTORY profile option to view a continuous history of assignment updates across legal employer changes. For more information about this profile option, see the Employment Profile Options topic in the Related Topics section.