Configure BI Dashboard Reports

As an administrator, configure the Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard reports for consumer goods mobile and view your reports to track and monitor the performance.

See the following example to configure your mobile dashboard with the folder name RetailExecutionDashboard.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Business Intelligence Analytics home page as a sales administrator.

  2. Go to Catalog and expand Shared Folders > Custom.

  3. Click New and select Folder to create a new folder. Name the folder RetailExecutionDashboard.

  4. To copy existing reports into the folder created, navigate to Folders > Extension > ORACO > R12PB5 Mobile

    Report Title

    Tile View

    Detail View

    Sales Vs Target



    Visit History



    Eligible Promotions



    Sales Trend



    Note: Follow the naming convention for the report names. Tile reports must be in the format Tile_<ReportName>. Detail Reports must be in the format Detail_<ReportName>.
  5. For each of the reports, click More and select Copy.

  6. Go to the RetailExecutionDashboard folder and paste the reports. Now click More on each of the reports and rename the tile and detail reports according to the naming convention. For example, Tile_SalesVsTarget and Detail_SalesVsTarget.

After you create the folder, set the profile option value for the folder as /shared/Custom/RetailExecutionDashboard. For more information, see the Profile section in the Getting Started with Consumer Goods Implementation guide.