Known Issues for Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service and the workarounds for them.

Support for Internet Explorer Deprecated

Support for the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser is deprecated for Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service release 20.3.1 or later.

Workaround: Use Microsoft Edge. See Oracle Software Web Browser Support Policy for more information

Trip Location Data Not Displayed for One Plus 5T and Similar Devices

On One Plus 5T and similar devices, the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Mobile application 19.2.3 or later does not display the location data during a trip.

Workaround:Complete these steps to ensure that the location data is displayed throughout the trip in the mobile app:

  1. Make sure that the Battery Optimization feature is turned off for Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring mobile app.
  2. Once the app is launched, lock the app for any version updates.
  3. Make sure that the location mode is enabled in the device.
  4. Make sure network is enabled in the device. If data is disabled, it does not receive any location pings.
  5. When driving, keep the app on the foreground of your device.

Location Data Not Sent When Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Mobile Application Moves to the Background

When a driver accepts a shipment and begins driving on the planned route, location updates stop when the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring mobile application moves to the background on mobile devices such as OnePlus 5T that use customized versions of the Android operating system. When the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring mobile application moves to the background, the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring mobile application background service is eventually terminated and communication with Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service stops. Initial investigations indicate this issue is caused by the battery optimization settings on mobile devices running customized versions of the Android operating system.

Workaround: Turn off battery optimization for the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring mobile application on mobile devices running customized versions of the Android operating system. See the mobile device user's manual for device specific battery optimization procedures.

OBD-II Device Model Attributes Do Not Display as Expected

When a device model is created using non-OBD II attributes, the OBD II specific attributes described in the topic Upload Device Models display as Data Not Available.

Workaround: None.

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