Shipment Management (To be Deprecated, see Description) REST Endpoints

Shipment Management (To be Deprecated, see Description)
Shipment Management provide methods to manage the shipments in Fleet Monitoring. These APIs will be deprecated in a future release. You could preferably use Trip Management APIs for real-time monitoring of in-transit movements. All methods of this group support a request header named 'X-Oracle-IoT-Org' with a value of an organization ID, which helps you to target requests to different organizations.
Complete a shipment
Method: post
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/completed
Create shipment
Method: post
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments
Delete a planned shipment by ID
Method: delete
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/{id}
List shipment field definitions
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/fields
List shipments
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments
Retrieve shipment by ID
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/{id}
Retrieve shipment count
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/count
Retrieve shipment metrics
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/{id}/metrics
Start a shipment
Method: post
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/start
Update shipment by ID
Method: post
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/shipments/{shipmentId}