Update trip by ID



This operation updates information about a trip specified by its ID.

IoTFleetMonitoringAdministrator - A user who is a part of IoTFleetMonitoringAdministratorsGroup can update tripStatus for all the trips. The user can update trip name, route, planned arrival and departure times, latest and earliest start time, planned driver distance and planned driver duration in seconds, vehicle and driver associated with a NOT_STARTED trip.
IoTFleetMonitoringDriver - A user who is a part of IoTFleetMonitoringDriversGroup can update the trip assigned to them.The user can update vehicle and tripStatus for NOT_STARTED trip and can update only the tripStatus for an IN_PROGRESS trip.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • To perform a partial update of the trip, POST request should be orchestrated with method override set to PATCH.
  • To allow targeting requests to different organizations. The header value should contain the organization identifier(orgId). This header is optional, if not provided orgId will be ORA_DEFAULT_ORG
Body ()
Root Schema : TripImpl_update
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripStopRecord_update
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripDriverInfoModel_update
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripVehicleInfoModel_update
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : GeoPosition_update
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalElements
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successfully processed.
Body ()
Root Schema : TripImpl_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripStopRecord_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripDriverInfoModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : stops
Type: array
List of stops for the trip
Show Source
Nested Schema : tripContext
Type: array
List of Trip Context for the trip
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripVehicleInfoModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : GeoPosition_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalElements
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripModel$TripContext_receive
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.

401 Response

Unauthorized. The request requires user authentication.

404 Response

Not Found. The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

405 Response

Method Not Allowed. The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI.

406 Response

Request Not Acceptable. The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.

415 Response

Unsupported Media Type. The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support.
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curl -X POST 
   -u <username>:<password>
   -H 'Accept: application/json'
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   --header "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH"

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the content of the request body in JSON format:


Update a NOT_STARTED trip with IoTFleetMonitoringAdministrator user

The following example shows the content of the request body in JSON format to update a trip using IoTFleetMonitoringAdministrator role credentials:

"vehicle": {
"name": "Vehicle_Name"
"driver": {
"name": "Driver_Name",
"loginId": "Driver_Login_ID"
"tripStatus": "NOT_STARTED",
"earliestStartTime": 1528957500000,
"latestStartTime": 1528959500000,
"plannedDriveDistance": 560,
"plannedDriveDurationSeconds": 72000

Update route of a NOT_STARTED trip with IoTFleetMonitoringAdministrator user
Provide the complete trip route to update a trip

The following example shows the content of the request body in JSON format to update a trip using IoTFleetMonitoringAdministrator role credentials:

"source": {
"street": "500 Oracle Parkway",
"city": "Redwood City",
"state": "CA",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "94065",
"plannedArrivalTime": "1535697309805",
"plannedDepartureTime": "1535697309805"
"destination": {
"street": "4210 Network Circle",
"city": "Santa Clara",
"state": "CA",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "95054",
"expectedDurationFromStart": 172800,
"plannedArrivalTime": "1535697309805"
"stops": [{
"street": "475 Sansome Street",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "94111",
"expectedDurationFromStart": 43200,
"plannedArrivalTime": "1535697309805",
"plannedDepartureTime": "1535697309805"

Update a NOT_STARTED trip with IoTFleetMonitoringDriversGroup user credentials of the driver assigned to the trip

The following example shows the content of the request body in JSON format to update a trip using role credentials of IoTFleetMonitoringDriver assigned to the trip:

"vehicle": {
"name": "Vehicle_Name"
"tripStatus" : "IN_PROGRESS"

Update an IN_PROGRESS trip

The following example shows the content of the request body in JSON format to update an IN_PROGRESS trip:


Example of Response Body

The following example shows the content of the response body in JSON format:

"id": "D9B17614-5112-41B4-AA02-981C8F6C49F8",
"name": "HQ-SFO-SCA-Vehicle_Name",
"driverId": "7BE01256-8567-44BF-8DA3-8AEE26F33F35",
"vehicleId": "09DE39F0-A091-46B7-B0E9-3C21CC56EFE5",
"source": {
"address": "500 Oracle Parkway::Redwood City::CA::US::94065",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 1945,
"distanceToNextStop": 38.619998931884766,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 0,
"city": "Redwood City",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519810576752,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519810576752,
"postalCode": "94065",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "500 Oracle Parkway",
"stopSequence": 0
"destination": {
"address": "4210 Network Circle::Santa Clara::CA::US::95054",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 0,
"distanceToNextStop": 0,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 172800,
"city": "Santa Clara",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519983376752,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519983376752,
"postalCode": "95054",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "4210 Network Circle",
"stopSequence": 1
"stops": [
"address": "475 Sansome Street::San Francisco::CA::US::94111",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 3100,
"distanceToNextStop": 72.06999969482422,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 43200,
"city": "San Francisco",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519853776752,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519853776752,
"postalCode": "94111",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "475 Sansome Street",
"stopSequence": 2
"tripStatus": "COMPLETED",
"earliestStartTime": 1528957500000,
"latestStartTime": 1528959500000,
"plannedDriveDistance": 560,
"plannedDriveDurationSeconds": 72000,
"expectedDuration": 5046,
"startTime": 1519810577014,
"endTime": 1519818158076,
"tripLength": 110,
"lastModifiedTime": 1519818158388,
"stopsCompleted": 0,
"totalStops": 1,
"stopsClassification": "SINGLE_STOP",
"tripLengthClassification": "MEDIUM",
"tripContext": [
"value": "D9B17614-5112-41B4-AA02-981C8F6C49F8",
"name": "HQ-SFO-SCA-Vehicle_Name",
"type": "TRIP"
"links": [
"href": "https://iotserver:443/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips/D9B17614-5112-41B4-AA02-981C8F6C49F8/",
"rel": "self"
"href": "https://iotserver:443/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips/D9B17614-5112-41B4-AA02-981C8F6C49F8/",
"rel": "canonical"
"href": "https://iotserver:443/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/vehicles/09DE39F0-A091-46B7-B0E9-3C21CC56EFE5",
"rel": "vehicle"
"href": "https://iotserver:443/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/drivers/7BE01256-8567-44BF-8DA3-8AEE26F33F35",
"rel": "driver"

Complete cURL Example

The following example shows a complete cURL command that you can use to perform the described operation:

curl -X POST 
   -u <username>:<password>
   -H 'Accept: application/json'
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   --header "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH"
   -d '{"latestStartTime":1469184297746,"earliestStartTime":1469184297746,"driver":{"loginId":"d676cc36-5428","name":"Name of the driver associated with this trip","externalId":"5e5f79936fd3-62c3"},"name":"Trip name","destination":{"country":"Name of country","distanceToNextStop":0.0,"address":"Unified full address, e.g. 500 Oracle Parkway::Redwood City::CA::US::94065 . Must be provided if geoLocation is not specified.","city":"Name of City","geoLocation":{"valid":false,"altitude":0.0,"latitude":0.0,"longitude":0.0,"additionalElements":["additionalElements_1","additionalElements_2","additionalElements_3"]},"street":"Name of Street","plannedArrivalTime":1469184297746,"postalCode":"Postal/Zip code","plannedDepartureTime":1469184297746,"timeZone":"Time zone of the time fields","state":"Name of State"},"source":{"country":"Name of country","distanceToNextStop":0.0,"address":"Unified full address, e.g. 500 Oracle Parkway::Redwood City::CA::US::94065 . Must be provided if geoLocation is not specified.","city":"Name of City","geoLocation":{"valid":false,"altitude":0.0,"latitude":0.0,"longitude":0.0,"additionalElements":["additionalElements_1","additionalElements_2","additionalElements_3"]},"street":"Name of Street","plannedArrivalTime":1469184297746,"postalCode":"Postal/Zip code","plannedDepartureTime":1469184297746,"timeZone":"Time zone of the time fields","state":"Name of State"},"plannedDriveDistance":12345,"plannedDriveDurationSeconds":12345,"vehicle":{"name":"Name of the vehicle assigned to the trip"},"tripStatus":"One of [NOT_STARTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, CANCELLED]."}'

Note that in the request, https://iotserver will be replaced by the name and port of your assigned IoT Cloud Service instance. The format of the Cloud Service instance is https://myinstance-myidentitydomain.iot.us.oraclecloud.com and the default port is 443.
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