What’s New for Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service

As soon as new and changed features become available, Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service instances are upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features—they come to you automatically. Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service experience.


This What's New document will not be updated for post-20.3.1 features.

The latest new feature summary information for Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service is available from the Oracle Cloud Readiness site:

New Feature Summary

20.3.1 - July 2020

Feature Description

Operations Manager Role

A new operations manager role is now available in Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service. The operations manager for an organization manages the day-to-day operations for the organization. The operations manager views, creates, and manages trips. The operations manager also monitors and manages the various incidents and alerts generated by rules.

The operations manager has read access to the various operation center views, such as vehicles, drivers, facilities, shipments, and shipment transaction logs.

Mobile App Settings for Drivers

Fleet administrators can restrict drivers from selecting or updating the assigned vehicle for a trip or shipment. Fleet administrators also determine whether drivers can create trips using the mobile app.

Use the organization settings page to change the mobile app settings.

20.2.4 - June 2020

Feature Description

Circular or Radial Geofences

In addition to polygonal geofences, you can now create circular geofences by specifying a center and a radius.

The default radial distance used for a circular geofence is 1km or 0.6214 miles. You can increase or decrease this per your requirement.

20.2.1 - April 2020

Feature Description

Floor Plans of Facilities

You can now upload floor plans of the facilities imported from Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud Service. You can also update and delete the floor plans.

20.1.2 - March 2020

Feature Description

Enhanced User Interface

Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service now provides an enhanced user interface for effective tracking and monitoring of fleets, shipments, and their associated entities.

The Design Center, Operation Center, and Configuration menus let you design your artifacts, monitor your operations, and configure the application.

Operation Center Views

The Operation Center now includes the following views for your organization: Fleet Map, Fleet Dashboard, Shipments Map, Shipments KPI Dashboard, Vehicles, Shipment Transaction Logs, Shipment Summary, Shipments: Dashboard, Facilities, Trips, Drivers, Incidents, and Alerts.

Design Center Views

The Design Center includes the following views to help the administrator create and configure the organizational artifacts: Organization, Vehicle Types, Vehicle Summary, Trips, Drivers, Shipments, Facilities, and Geofences.

Configuration View

The Configuration menu lets the administrator configure users, settings such as analytic controls and maps, connectors such as the Freight Tiger connector, and file uploads such as device models. These configurations are applied globally within the cloud service instance.

Integration with Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud Service(WMS)

Integration with Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud Service is now enabled.

From the Organization view in Design Center, an administrator can add a WMS instance and verify connectivity to the instance.

After configuring the WMS integration for an organization, the administrator uses the Facilities view in Design Center to import facilities from WMS, edits the automatically created default check-in geofence, defines custom geofences, and defines rules for each imported facility.

Use the Facilities and the Fleet Dashboard views from the Operation Center of an organization to obtain all the facilities and their KPIs.

If a shipment stops at a facility, you can view the facility details from the shipment's Shipment Details page.

For a shipment imported from Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service, Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service locates its corresponding load in WMS and then automatically creates or updates the default appointment for the load in WMS using the shipment's start time. Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service also updates the appointment in WMS whenever the shipment ETA changes.

Trip and Trip Templates

In addition to the form-based trip creation process, an administrator can now create a trip using an existing trip template for the organization.

The steps to create a trip template have changed. As an administrator:
  • You do not need to upload a CSV file of a trip template .
  • When you create a trip from the Trips view of Operation Center, you can select the option to save it as a trip template for the organization.
  • From the Trips view of Design Center, you can create a trip template for an organization using a form-based user interface.

Support For Rules on Trips

You can now create and apply rules on trips.

New System-defined Alert for Rule Engine

A generic system alert, RESystemAlert is now available in addition to the existing system-defined alerts. When creating an alert based rule, you can select RESystemAlert for use cases that do not fall into the GeofenceViolation, IdlingSystemViolation, or SpeedViolation categories.

Automatic Shipment Completion

A configurable setting to enable automatic shipment completion is now available at the organization level. The setting is enabled by default, so that the shipment automatically completes after the shipment exits the last stop.

19.3.2 - August 2019

Feature Description

Freight Tiger Connector

To integrate with the Freight Tiger Platform (https://www.freighttiger.com/), you can now create a Freight Tiger connector that receives and processes real-time telematics data from the platform. The connector enables Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service to track shipments that are maintained in Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service in real-time.

New and Updated Documentation

Miscellaneous updates were made to the existing user guide and reference documentation to accommodate for bug fixes and functionality changes in the application.

19.1.5 - March 2019

Feature Description

Shipment Transaction Logs

Shipment transaction logs are now available. These logs can assist with troubleshooting Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service communication issues.

New and Updated Documentation

Miscellaneous updates were made to the existing user guide and reference documentation to accommodate for bug fixes and functionality changes in the application.

19.1.1 - January 2019

Feature Description

Route Geofencing

When route geofencing is enabled, notifications are sent to the Fleet Administrator when a vehicle moves beyond the route corridor width and the route deviation tolerance value is met or exceeded.

Route Corridor Width

When route geofencing is enabled, the route corridor width value defines the width of the trip corridor in miles or kilometers. When a vehicle moves beyond the corridor value, a notification is sent to the Fleet Administrator.

Route Deviation Tolerance

When route geofencing is enabled, the route deviation tolerance defines the number of times a vehicle can deviate from a defined trip route. When the vehicle meets or exceeds the defined value, a notification is sent to the Fleet Administrator.

Alert Data on the Trip Details Dashboard

The number of alerts for the vehicle assigned to the trip now display on the trip details dashboard.

Configurable Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service Transmission Codes

Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service transmission codes can now be customized to meet your unique business requirements.

Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service Connectivity Verification

You can now confirm your connection to Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service is active and data can be sent and received.

New and Updated Documentation

Miscellaneous updates were made to the existing user guide and reference documentation to accommodate for bug fixes and functionality changes in the application.

18.4.5 - December 2018

Feature Description

New and Updated Documentation

Miscellaneous updates were made to the existing user guide and reference documentation to accommodate for bug fixes and functionality changes in the application.

18.4.1 — November 2018

Feature Description

Trip and Shipment Delay Tolerance

You can now set the delay tolerance for trips and shipments. The delay tolerance value identifies the time in minutes after which a trip or shipment is considered delayed.

Automatic Trip Creation for Unplanned Trips

A trip is now automatically created when a vehicle not assigned to a trip moves 1600 feet (500 metres) beyond its assigned location. The unplanned trip appears on the Trips dashboard and the Type column displays Automatic. An additional pie chart has been added to the Trips dashboard to make the management of planned and unplanned trips easier.

New and Updated Documentation

Miscellaneous updates were made to the existing user guide and reference documentation to accommodate for bug fixes and functionality changes in the application.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.