Description of the illustration connected-worker-hcm-integration-architecture

The illustration illustrates how Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Connected Worker Cloud Service and Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud are integrated.

On the left is a box labeled Oracle IoT Connected Worker Cloud Service. On the right is a box labeled Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud. Within the Oracle IoT Connected Worker Cloud Service box are four icons. The first icon is a group of figures that represents Oracle IoT Connected Worker Cloud Service user accounts. The second, third, and fourth icons are an open door, a coffee cup, and a closed door. An arrow labeled "1" extends from the group of figures icon in the Oracle IoT Connected Worker Cloud Service box to an identical icon in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud box. An arrow labeled "2" extends from the open door icon, coffee icon, and closed door icon in Oracle IoT Connected Worker Cloud Service to a ledger icon in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud box.

More information about the illustration is provided in the text that follows this illustration.