Add a New Context Attribute

Add a new context attribute.

  1. From the Admin Console navigation menu, click Settings and then click the Context Attributes tab.
    The list of context attributes displays by key, label, and type, and provides the default value for each. The list also specifies whether the information captured by the context attribute is visible to associates in the associate desktop.
  2. Click Add New Attribute.
  3. Enter a key value in the Key field.
    Context attributes come from external devices. The key gives an administrator the ability to configure an attribute that a developer plans to send and allows the attribute to be used in rules and engagement scenarios.
  4. Enter a label in the Label field.
    The label is a description of the key, which is used in the code. The label is what is displayed to associates.
  5. Select an attribute type from the Types menu. Your options are Boolean, Date, Email Address, Location on Page, Number, Phone Number, String, or URL.
  6. Enter a default value for the attribute in the Default Value field.
  7. To make the attribute visible to other associates, enable Visible To Associates.
    To hide an empty attribute from the associate if the attribute is not present, enable Hide If Not Present.