Assign the Live Experience Profile to B2C Service Accounts

With the Live Experience profile created, you need to assign the profile to agents for access to Live Experience.

You can assign the profile to existing accounts, or you can assign the profile as part of creating new accounts. This procedure takes you through the process of creating a new account that uses the Live Experience profile you created earlier.

For more information on provisioning B2C Service users, see Add or Edit a Staff Account in your B2C Service documentation.

  1. In the B2C Service Agent Desktop, expand Navigation > Staff Management, and then double-click Staff Accounts by Profile.
  2. Click New on the ribbon.
  3. Enter field information.

    Staff Account Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    Enter the email address for the account.
    First Name Enter the first name.
    Last Name Enter the last name.
    Display Name Enter the display name.
    Profile Click the Search icon next to this field to open the Profiles window. Select the LX Associate profile and click OK.
    Group Click the Search icon next to this field to open the Account Groups window where you assign the staff member to a group. See the B2C Service guide to create a new Group if needed.
    Default Currency Click this drop-down list to select the currency you want to associate with the staff account. The United States dollar (USD) is the only currency option in this menu until you add others through the Currencies editor.
    Default Country Click this drop-down list to select the country associated with this staff member.
  4. Click Save.
  5. When prompted, enter a password for the new account.

What to do next

There's no need to create accounts in Live Experience. Accounts are automatically created in Live Experience each time a new B2C Service agent whose account includes the Live Experience profile logs in and opens the Live Experience Associate Desktop extension the first time. See Add Your Agent Browser UI Address as an Allowed Domain for next steps.