How to Use Context Data to Configure Customer Engagement Scenarios

After you configure context attributes and integrate Live Experience into your client apps, you can use those context attributes to apply engagement scenarios to particular types of engagements.

While you can use any context attributes you like, the most important context attribute from an engagement scenario standpoint is Application Location.

The Application Location context attribute specifies the location in your app from which a customer has initiated an engagement. If you only have a single application location, say a Support tab, then you can ignore the Application Location context variable in your engagement scenario definitions. But when your app expands to encompass multiple entry points, you use the Application Location context attribute to define which engagement scenarios you'd like to apply to which engagements.

For instance, if you have a Support page in your app, you probably want to route a customer to a support-specific engagement scenario that allows an associate to request the customer to share their screen or show their surroundings. Likewise, if you have an Administration page, you probably need only audio for both customer and associate without further options.

Using the Live Experience Admin Console, you assign the correct engagement scenario by creating rules that examine the Application Location context variable and enabling the correct digital channels for both customers and associates. For example, if the Application Location value is equal to Support then you would want to apply the Support engagement scenario, and if the Application Location value is equal to Administration, you would want to apply the Administration engagement scenario.

In this case, for a scenario named Support, we've created a rule condition that checks to see if Application Location is equal to Support. If it is, Live Experience applies this particular scenario to the engagement:
Shows an engagement scenario with a rule where the application location has a value of "Support".

For complete details on configuring engagement scenarios, see Create a Custom Context Attribute.