How You Use Routing Rules to Get Customers to the Right Associates on the Right Teams

After you create users, teams, and skills, and you've assigned skills and skill levels to users, you can create routing rules.

A Live Experience routing rule comprises the following parts:
  • A name for the rule
  • Optional conditions for when the rule should apply based on context attributes
  • A team to which the rule will route engagements
  • A list of optional preferred skills the rule will favor when deciding which associate should handle the engagement
When an engagement enters the Live Experience queue, a routing rule processes it in the following manner:
  1. The routing rule checks the context attributes associated with the incoming engagement and checks any rule conditions to see if it should apply itself to the engagement.
  2. If the rule conditions are met, the routing rule sends the engagement to the associated team.
  3. If any preferred skills are configured for the routing rule, the rule assigns the engagement to the associate with the highest skill level.

Live Experience routing rules let you set flexible conditions on whether or not the rule should apply to a particular incoming engagement. For example, you can check an incoming engagement and see if the Location context attribute is equal to Paris, France. You can then route that engagement to a team of associates tagged with a French Language skill that you configured. You can use multiple conditions to handle even more complex routing tasks, but you should keep your routing conditions as simple as possible to meet your business requirements.

Skill based routing sends engagements to the highest skill level first. If you have three associates with a particular skill, with skill levels of 7 (high), 5 (medium) and 2 (low), and you have a routing rule tagged with that particular skill, the routing rule will send the engagement to the highest skill level. If the highest skill level is unavailable, the routing rule will send the engagement down the list, again preferring the highest skill level available. If no associates tagged with that skill are available, the routing rule places the customer in the general queue, and their call will be answered by any other available associate.

See Overview of Routing Rules and How You Use Skills to Route Your Customers to the Right Team.