Experiment with Live Experience Features

Now that you have a working iOS app, start experimenting with Live Experience features.

  1. Add the following lines to your code to configure camera options.

    Controller.shared.settings.startVideoInFullScreen = true

    Controller.shared.settings.startVideoWithFrontCamera = true

  2. The authentication code in Authenticate and Add the Live Experience Widget selects the Collaboration scenario. Scenarios control which channels (video, audio, screen share) are available. Try other pre-configured scenarios by replacing Collaboration in the code with one of the following:
    • Basic_Guidance
    • Remote_Support
    • Personal_Shopper
    • Concierge
    • Short_Code
    • Meeting
  3. When you call an associate with your app, you see Not Available and Unknown User in the engagement information pane. Add context attributes to customize and pass that information to the associate:
    Controller.shared.contextAttributes.setValue("John Smith", forKey: "fullName")
    Controller.shared.contextAttributes.setValue("john.smith@ example.com", forKey: "email")
    Controller.shared.contextAttributes.setValue("+1-202-555-0171", forKey: "phone")
    Controller.shared.contextAttributes.setValue("Redwood City, CA", forKey: "location")