Set Up an Action Chain to Execute the Code

Set up an action chain that will run the Live Experience widget code to add the widget to the page.
  1. In the shell page, click the Actions tab, then click + Action Chain.
  2. In the ID field, enter LoadLiveExperience, and click Create.

    The LoadLiveExperience action chain page opens.

  3. In the Actions pane, drag Call Function and drop it on the Add icon.
  4. In the Properties pane, Function Name field, enter lxStart.
  5. In the Input Parameters field, click Assign.
  6. In the Assign Input Parameters dialog box, drag lxTenantName under Variables to lxTenant under Target.
  7. Drag path under System to appPathVar under Target.
  8. Select user parameter in the Target list.
  9. In the $user.parameter pane, select Expression.
  10. Set the expression to $application.user.
  11. Click Save.
  12. In the Properties pane, Return Type field, select Boolean.
  13. Click the Event Listeners tab and click vbEnter.
  14. In the Select Action Chain dialog box, select LoadLiveExperience, and click Select.