Set Up the Oracle Mobile Associate App

Follow this procedure to set up the Oracle Mobile Associate app.

  1. Search the Google Play store for Oracle Live Experience Mobile Associate, or go to the following URL:
  2. Download and install the app.
  3. Set options in your device settings.
    1. Add the Oracle Mobile Associate to your auto-run apps to keep the app from disconnecting when it's in the background or when your device is locked.
    2. Set your permissions for the Oracle Mobile Associate to show on the lock screen so you are notified of incoming Live Experience engagements when your device is locked.
  4. Open the app.
  5. Read and agree to the end-user license agreement (EULA) terms to proceed and use the Oracle Mobile Associate app.
  6. Choose your region, either US for North-America, EMEA for Europe, or Custom if you have been instructed to use a different region.
  7. Enter your user name (your email address) and password.
  8. Click Log In.
    If your user name is associated with multiple tenants, you need to select the tenant on which you want to log in. You can change your tenant setting by logging out and logging back in.