Get a loyalty product detail (Deprecated)




Path Parameters
  • This is the hash key of the attributes which make up the composite key for the (Deprecated) Loyalty Products resource and used to uniquely identify an instance of (Deprecated) Loyalty Products. The client should not generate the hash key value. Instead, the client should query on the (Deprecated) Loyalty Products collection resource in order to navigate to a specific instance of (Deprecated) Loyalty Products to get the hash key.
Query Parameters
  • This parameter specifies dependencies which are fields that are set before and rolled back after generating the response. Generally they are used to preview the effects of an attribute change. The fields specified in this parameter are always set in the resource instance in question. When a child resource collection is requested and the parameter is set, the fields will be set in the parent resource instance before generating the resource collection payload. The value of this query parameter is a set of dependency fields. Example: dependency=ProductId=2

    Format: <attr1>=<val1>,<attr2>=<value2>
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

  • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : loyaltyProducts-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 75
    The internal name of the loyalty point type. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 300
    The item number of the product. This is the product number for which Oracle Loyalty Cloud shows the redemption points. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Links
  • The loyalty member's point balance for a given point type. This value shows Member Check Credit functionality when The MemberNumber parameter is provided for the redemptionProductsFinder finder to show both the redemption points for each product and the point balance for the member as a credit check feature. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Title: Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The party name of the loyalty partner. This information shows the name of partner for a given partner party number. There is no default value or dependency associated with this attribute.
  • Title: Registry ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The party number of the loyalty partner. This attribute is also a parameter in the redemptionProductsFinder finder. There is no default value or dependency associated with this attribute.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The name of the point type. This is also a parameter in redemptionProductsFinder finder. If the value not provided, the finder lists the ProdRedemptionPoint attribute value for all possible point types in a given program name. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Read Only: true
    The end date for product redemption, that is, the date when the redemption product is no longer in effect. This date is the value of the TransactionDate parameter returned by the redemptionProductsFinder finder search in between the ProdRedempStartDt and ProdProdRedempEndDt attributes. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Read Only: true
    The start date for product redemption, that is, the date when the redemption product comes into effect. This date is the value of the TransactionDate parameter returned by the redemptionProductsFinder finder search in between the ProdRedempStartDt and ProdProdRedempEndDt attributes. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Read Only: true
    The points required to redeem the product. Each product requires a point value that indicates the points required when a member redeems the product. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The product name. This name describes the product for a given ItemNumber filter parameter when using the redemptionProductsFinder finder. Oracle Loyalty Cloud shows the product for the ProdRedemptionPoint value. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
  • Title: Program
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    The program name, This attribute is also a parameter in redemptionProductsFinder finder. There is no default value, dependency, or limitation associated with this attribute.
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This example shows how to check for the points credit for a member. The example uses a finder for redemption products for the High Miles loyalty program with a transaction date of 2016-12-13 and point type set to Miles for member number 300000065914078.

Use GET with the following URI syntax to check the points credit for the member:;ProgramName=High Miles,TransactionDate=2016-12-13T06:43:52+00:00,PointTypeName=Miles,MemberNumber=300000065914078

Example of Response Header

Cache-Control -no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Connection -keep-alive
Content-Encoding -gzip
Content-Language -en
Content-Length -742
Content-Type -application/
Date -Fri, 23 Dec 2016 17:13:29 GMT
Link -<>;rel="self";kind="collection";name="loyaltyProducts"
Location -
REST-Framework-Version -1
Server -Oracle-HTTP-Server-11g
Vary -Accept-Encoding
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID -005H5Q1CkMF5Qdv_GXl3if0002Es00092E

Example of Response Body

  "items" : [ {
    "ProdRedempEndDt" : null,
    "ProdRedempStartDt" : "2016-05-01",
    "ProdRedemptionPoint" : 20000,
    "ProgramName" : "High Miles",
    "PointTypeName" : "Miles",
    "InternalName" : "PointTypeAVal",
    "ItemNumber" : "sku639502",
    "PartyNumber" : "36013",
    "PartyName" : "Heritage Group of Hotels",
    "MemberPointBalance" : null,
    "ProductName" : "Free Stay of 1 Night in Heritage Hotel Voucher",
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "https:/",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  }, {
    "ProdRedempEndDt" : null,
    "ProdRedempStartDt" : "2016-05-01",
    "ProdRedemptionPoint" : 1000,
    "ProgramName" : "High Miles",
    "PointTypeName" : "Miles",
    "InternalName" : "PointTypeAVal",
    "ItemNumber" : "sku639508",
    "PartyNumber" : "36011",
    "PartyName" : "Savvari Fleet Service",
    "MemberPointBalance" : null,
    "ProductName" : "Free Ride with Savvari Fleet Voucher",
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  }, {
    "ProdRedempEndDt" : null,
    "ProdRedempStartDt" : "2016-05-01",
    "ProdRedemptionPoint" : 2500,
    "ProgramName" : "High Miles",
    "PointTypeName" : "Miles",
    "InternalName" : "PointTypeAVal",
    "ItemNumber" : "sku639503",
    "PartyNumber" : null,
    "PartyName" : null,
    "MemberPointBalance" : null,
    "ProductName" : "Economy to Business Class Upgrade",
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  }, {
    "ProdRedempEndDt" : null,
    "ProdRedempStartDt" : "2016-05-01",
    "ProdRedemptionPoint" : 5000,
    "ProgramName" : "High Miles",
    "PointTypeName" : "Miles",
    "InternalName" : "PointTypeAVal",
    "ItemNumber" : "sku639504",
    "PartyNumber" : null,
    "PartyName" : null,
    "MemberPointBalance" : null,
    "ProductName" : "Extra Baggage Voucher",
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  }, {
    "ProdRedempEndDt" : null,
    "ProdRedempStartDt" : "2016-05-01",
    "ProdRedemptionPoint" : 10000,
    "ProgramName" : "High Miles",
    "PointTypeName" : "Miles",
    "InternalName" : "PointTypeAVal",
    "ItemNumber" : "sku639501",
    "PartyNumber" : null,
    "PartyName" : null,
    "MemberPointBalance" : null,
    "ProductName" : "Flight",
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  }, {
    "ProdRedempEndDt" : null,
    "ProdRedempStartDt" : "2016-05-01",
    "ProdRedemptionPoint" : 5500,
    "ProgramName" : "High Miles",
    "PointTypeName" : "Miles",
    "InternalName" : "PointTypeAVal",
    "ItemNumber" : "sku639505",
    "PartyNumber" : null,
    "PartyName" : null,
    "MemberPointBalance" : null,
    "ProductName" : "Free Lounge Service Voucher",
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "",
      "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "count" : 6,
  "hasMore" : false,
  "limit" : 25,
  "offset" : 0,
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "self",
    "href" : "",
    "name" : "loyaltyProducts",
    "kind" : "collection"
  } ]
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