Batch Push User Profile

The User Profile Batch Push serves as a log of any changes made to a user’s profile throughout the day. Each time that an update is a record is added to the file. With this, a member can appear multiple times in the file throughout the day, with the updates being in chronologic order. The daily push file only contains data from the previous day. It is not a cumulative file.

Naming Convention
The User Profile Batch file will have the following naming convention:

Zip file containing the CSV file: 2_<client_id>_USER_PROFILE_YYYYMMDD.csv


  • <client_id> represents the CrowdTwist generated client_id
  • YYYYMMDD represents the timestamp of the file with year, month, and day values when the file generation is complete
  • File contains header row, comma separated
Field Name Field Type Notes
id Number Internal CrowdTwist member user_id
first_name String User’s first name
middle_name String User’s middle name
last_name String User’s last name
date_of_birth Timestamp User’s date of birth
email_address String User’s email address
street_address_1 String User’s street address 1
street_address_2 String User’s street address 2
city String User’s city
state String User’s state
postal_code String User’s postal code
country_code String User’s country_code
region String User’s region
gender String User’s gender
email_is_verified Number (binary) If a user’s email address has been verified
receive_email_updates Number (binary) If a user is subscribed to receive email updates through CrowdTwist
receive_sms_messages Number (binary) If a user is subscribed to receive SMS updates through CrowdTwist
total_points Number Total points of the user
redeemable_points Number Redeemable points of the user
fan_rank Number User’s rank within the program
mobile_number Number Users mobile number
date_mobile_verified Timestamp Day that a user’s phone was verified
date_last_login Timestamp Date the user last logged in
date_last_updated Timestamp Date the user’s profile was last updated
date_created Timestamp Date the user was created within the CrowdTwist platform
sign_up_type Number If the user was signed up through API or Member Care
is_active Number (binary) If the user is active
username String User’s username
password String null
hash_algorithm String null
salt String null
password_generated Number (binary) If the user’s password was generated by CrowdTwist
activity_stream_optin String If the user is opted in to see his/her updates in activity stream
ip_address String The user’s IP address (if available)
third_party_id String User’s third party ID
client_branding_id String
facebook_user_id String User’s Facebook user ID
fsq_user_id String User’s Foursquare user ID
google_user_id String User’s Google user ID
inst_user_id String User’s Instagram user ID
num_facebook_friends Number Number of friends the user has on Facebook
num_twitter_followers Number Number of followers the user has on Twitter
sign_up_campaign String Campaign with which the user joined the program
twitter_user_id String User’s Twitter user ID
yahoo_user_id String User’s Yahoo user ID
weekly_points Number Number of points the user has earned this week
monthly_points Number Number of points the user has earned this month
fan_level_name String User’s current tier (this is the same as current_level)
lang_pref String Language preference of the user
custom_data String Custom Data JSON object (parameters are configurable by client)
sign_up_channel_id Number Channel ID from where the user joined the program
tier_timeframe_score Number Cumulative score the member has earned in the current timeframe since the member last expired. For fixed it is calculated from start date to start date, i.e. for an annual timeframe it calculates the total points earned between 1/1/16-12/31/16. This score will reset to 0 at the end of the reset date. For rolling, it is the cumulative score since they last expired, i.e. if they joined on 2/2/16 and jumped on 3/2/16 to gold, the timeframe score will be calculated until 3/2/17. For lifetime, it is the same as “lifetime points”.
tier_score Number The points earned while the member is in a tier
current_tier_level String Name of the user’s current tier (this is the same as fan_level)
next_tier_level String Name of the user’s next tier level
date_tier_assigned String (ISO 8601 Format) Date the member is assigned current tier. This changes for all event types (start, jump, maintain, drop and reset)
tier_expiration_date String (ISO 8601 Format) Date a member’s tier will expire if they do not maintain. This is both fixed and rolling.
tier_reset_date String (ISO 8601 Format) Date a member resets to 0 and enters maintenance. Only fixed timeframe.
score_needed_to_next_tier Number Number of points needed for a member to jump to the next tier
score_needed_to_maintain_tier Number Number of points needed to maintain current tier
days_until_tier_expiration Number Number of days until a member’s tier expires if they do not maintain
days_until_tier_reset Number Number of days until a member resets. Only for fixed timeframe.
date_reached String (ISO 8601 Format) Date the member reached their current tier. This only changes when a member drops or jumps a tier.
assigned_by_event String The event that occurred when a member is assigned a tier (i.e. start, jump, maintain, drop, reset)