Batch Push User Redemption

The User Redemption Batch Push serves as a log of all redemptions made by program members throughout the day. Each time that a redemption is processed a record is added to the file. With this, if a member performs multiple redemptions throughout the day he/she will appear multiple times in the file, with the redemptions in chronologic order.

Naming Convention
The User Redemption Batch file will have the following naming convention:

Zip file containing the CSV file: 2_<client_id>_USER_REDEMPTION_YYYYMMDD.csv


  • <client_id> represents the CrowdTwist generated client_id
  • YYYYMMDD represents the timestamp of the file with year, month, and day values when the file generation is complete
  • File contains header row, comma separated
Field Name Field Type Required Notes
order_date Timestamp Y Date the redemption was performed (unix timestamp)
order_id Number Y Unique order ID of the redemption
total_points_redeemed Number Y Total points redeemed by user for reward
category_name String N Category of the reward redeemed
reward_title String Y The title of the reward
quantity String Y Number of reward redeemed
color String N Reward color
size String N Reward size
reference_id String N The reward reference ID
first_name String Y User’s first name
last_name String Y User’s last name
email_address String Y User’s email address
username String Y User’s username
third_party_id String N User’s third party id
shipping_first_name String N If required by reward – first name to whom the reward will be shipped
shipping_last_name String N If required by reward – last name to whom the reward will be shipped
shipping_street_address_1 String N If required by reward – street address of destination the reward will be shipped
shipping_street_address_2 String N If required by reward – additional address info of destination the reward will be shipped
shipping_country String N If required by reward – country of destination the reward will be shipped
shipping_state String N If required by reward – state of destination the reward will be shipped
shipping_city String N If required by reward – city of destination the reward will be shipped
shipping_postal_code String N If required by reward – postal code of destination the reward will be shipped
shipping_phone_number String N If required by reward – phone number of user redeeming reward
date_fulfilled Timestamp N Date reward fulfilled
tracking_number String N If physical reward – Tracking number of shipment
note String N Any notes relating to the user’s redemption
coupon_code String N If code reward – array of codes distributed for redemption
user_id Number Y CrowdTwist user ID
coupon_expiration_date Timestamp N If a code was redeemed, the expiration date of the code
extra_data Array Y Extra data set via Control Center.
reward_group_id Number Y Group the reward is in. When a reward has multiple sizes/colors, they will all share the same group_id.
reward_description String Y Description of the reward.