Purchase Detail

Request Details

Item Value
Description The purchase detail endpoint allows clients to request item level details for a specific purchase. Clients can get all of a member’s purchase history through the User Purchase History endpoint
Method GET
Endpoint https://[environment]pos[client_id].crowdtwist.com/purchase/[purchase_id]?purchase_id_type=receipt_id
HTTP Header X-CT-Authorization = CTApiKey [API Key]
Note: there is a space between CTApiKey and the API Key value


Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
purchase_id 67-98-72-899 Yes String Identifies receipt or order id associated with the purchase.
purchase_id_type order_id
Yes String Identifies the type of purchase id being used for lookup. This value is returned by the User Purchase History API.


Response Body

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
third_party_receipt_id 123ABC Yes String The receipt id provided for this purchase.
date_purchased 2018-01-01T11:00:18Z Yes String The date this purchase occurred in ISO 8601 format, this will be in UTC.
channel In Store Yes String The channel that this purchase came through.
coupons See the COUPONS ARRAY section. No Array The coupons used with this purchase.
purchase_total 400 Yes Integer The total of all receipts in this purchase.
currency USD Yes String The currency used for this purchase, provided as a currency code.
base_points 400 Yes Integer The total number of points awarded for this purchase, excluding bonus points.
bonus_points 100 Yes Integer The total number of bonus points awarded for this purchase.
points_awarded 500 Yes Integer The total number of points awarded for this purchase.
points_earned 500 Yes Integer The number of points earned for this purchase. A member may not be awarded all of the points they earned if a point cap is in place.
custom_data { “dataKey”: “dataValue”} No Object Custom data provided for this purchase.
items See the ITEMS ARRAY section. Yes Array (Item Objects)
campaigns See CAMPAIGNS ARRAY section. No Array Present if and only if the item is associated with a bonus campaign.
[ "coupon123456", "coupon123789" ]
Yes Array (Strings) This is the list of coupons that are used in this transaction.
type pending Yes String The transaction type for this item. It can be :
• purchased
• pending
• cancelled
• fulfilled
• returned
sku ABC123 Yes String The sku of this item.
quantity 1 Yes Integer The total quantity of this item that was purchased/returned/fulfilled/cancelled or is pending.
price 400 Yes Integer The price of this item. The price is for a single quantity.
points_awarded 500 Yes Integer The total number of points awarded for this item.
points_earned 500 Yes Integer The number of points earned for this item. A member may not be awarded all of the points they earned if a point cap is in place.
bonus_points 100 Yes Integer The total number of bonus points awarded for this item.
base_points 400 Yes Integer The total number of points awarded for this item, excluding bonus points.
is_excluded true Yes Boolean True if this item is part of an exclusion list and therefore ineligible for points.
custom_data { “dataKey”: “dataValue”} No Object Custom data provided for this item.
returns See the RETURNS ARRAY section. No Array Will store return information for one or more item. A particular item could be returned more than once at different points of time and different quantity.
fulfillments See the FULFILLMENTS ARRAY section. No Array Fulfillments will return information on items which are either to be fulfilled, cancelled or pending depending on type.
title BONUS CAMPAIGN Yes String Title of the bonus campaign this item is a part of.
multiplier 2 Yes Decimal Multiplier for any item in this bonus campaign.
point_gift 50 Yes Integer Point value for any item in this bonus campaign.
Note: At a given time response can have either Point gift value or multiplier value. If you campaign is setup as points gift, then point_gift will have a value and multiplier will be null and vice versa.
return_id return123 No String Identifier of the return.
date_occurred 2018-01-01T11:00:18Z No String Date when the item was returned, this will be returned in UTC.
quantity_returned 2 No Integer Number of items returned.
fulfillment_id ful3456 No String Identifier for the fulfillment.
date_occurred 2018-01-01T11:00:18Z No String Date when the item was fulfilled, this will be returned in UTC.
quantity_fulfilled 2 No Integer Number of items fulfilled.

Error Responses

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
error internal_error Yes String The identifier of the category of the error. This gives the client the ability to categorize errors and make assumptions based on the identifier of the error.
message User could not be found Yes String This is a detailed message around the error specifying, as specifically as possible, what the fields are that are missing or where exactly the error is.

Error Response Codes

Error Error Code Description Reason
Input Error 4xx Returned whenever the request is missing required fields, including situations in which the body is malformed (e.g. HTTP method not supported, receipt not found, etc.). – receipt_not_found
– invalid
Server Error 5xx HTTP error status code is returned due to an error that occurred in the backend. – internal_error: unexpected error occurred in the CrowdTwist backend
– not_configured: error occurs when an configuration has not been configured yet

Example Response Codes

Response Code Reason Message
404 not_found Receipt not found.
400 invalid_parameter Purchase ID type is invalid.


Sample Request

GET https://{{environment}}pos{{client_id}}.crowdtwist.com/purchase/85-686-302-5471?purchase_id_type=receipt_id

Sample Response Body

{ "receipts": [ { "third_party_receipt_id": "receipt123456", "date_purchased": "2019-12-19T18:25:43Z", "channel": "In Store", "coupons": [ "save10" ], "purchase_total": 400, "currency": "USD", "base_points": 400, "bonus_points": 100, "points_awarded": 500, "points_earned": 500, "custom_data": { "custom_key": "custom_value" }, "items": [ { "type": "purchased", "sku": "ABC123", "quantity": 1, "price": 400, "points_awarded": 500, "points_earned": 500, "bonus_points": 100, "base_points": 400, "is_excluded": false, "fulfillments": [], "returns": [], "custom_data": { "custom_key": "custom_value" } } ], "campaigns": [ { "title": "BONUS CAMPAIGN", "multiplier": null, "point_gift": 50 }, { "title": "TUESDAY MORNING SPECIAL", "multiplier": 1, "point_gift": null } ] } ] }


Sample Response Body – Item Went through Fulfillment

{ "receipts": [ { "third_party_receipt_id": "receipt123456", "date_purchased": "2019-12-19T18:25:43Z", "channel": "In Store", "coupons": ["save10"], "purchase_total": 400, "currency": "USD", "base_points": 400, "bonus_points": 100, "points_awarded": 500, "points_earned": 500, "custom_data": { "custom_key": "custom_value" }, "items": [ { "type": "purchased", "sku": "ABC123", "quantity": 1, "price": 400, "points_awarded": 500, "points_earned": 500, "bonus_points": 100, "base_points": 400, "is_excluded": false, "fulfillments": [ { "fulfillment_id": "fulfillment123333333", "date_occurred": "2019-12-23T18:25:43Z", "quantity_fulfilled": 1 } ], "returns": [], "custom_data": { "custom_key": "custom_value" } } ] } ]


Sample Response Body – Returned Item

{ "receipts": [ { "third_party_receipt_id": "receipt123456", "date_purchased": "2019-12-19T18:25:43Z", "channel": "In Store", "coupons": ["save10"], "purchase_total": 400, "currency": "USD", "base_points": 400, "bonus_points": 100, "points_awarded": 500, "points_earned": 500, "custom_data": { "custom_key": "custom_value" }, "items": [ { "type": "purchased", "sku": "ABC123", "quantity": 1, "price": 400, "points_awarded": 500, "points_earned": 500, "bonus_points": 100, "base_points": 400, "is_excluded": false, "fulfillments": [], "returns": [ { "return_id": "102147205111112", "date_occurred": "2019-12-20T18:25:43Z", "quantity_returned": 1 } ], "custom_data": { "custom_key": "custom_value" } } ] } ] }


Sample Error Response

{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Input error", "errors": [ { "reason": "invalid_parameter", "message": "purchase_id_type is invalid" } ] } }