
Request Details

Item Value
Description The Return API is called to request purchase returns to the CrowdTwist system. To request a purchase return, you must perform an HTTP Post request with a JSON object. The Return API deducts points from the member’s account for the item(s) returned.
Method POST
Endpoint https://[environment]pos[client_id]
HTTP Header X-CT-Authorization = CTApiKey [API Key]
Note: there is a space between CTApiKey and the API Key value
Content Type application/json


Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
Note: This request does not support URL or query parameters.

Request Body

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
return_id RT031942 Yes String This is the ID of the return request. This field should be unique and not empty.
original_receipt_id 33-1302-1202 No String This is the client’s receipt id of the original purchase. If receipt id is not included, then at least one user_attribute field is required.
return_type 1 Yes Integer Return types:
1. Return With Receipt
2. Return With Gift Receipt
3. Ecommerce Return
4. Return without Receipt
5. Manager’s Return without Receipt
6. Return for Exchange
7. Cancellation
8. Void
9. Return For Exchange Without Receipt

Non-member returns are not accepted for return_type 4, 5, and 9. These return_type values require data in the user_attributes field.

date_returned 2021-05-20T18:25:43.511-04:00 Yes String This field will be the local date-time that the return was made. This date must be an ISO-8601 compliant date field with offset appended to it.
user_id 8694859 No Integer CrowdTwist unique identifier for user. Matching on User ID will take precedence over user_attributes.
If return_type is 4, 5, or 9, either user id or user attribute is required.
user_attributes See the USER ATTRIBUTES OBJECT section. No Object Gives clients the ability to send user email address or phone number in place of user_id for awarding of points during purchase.
These user attributes are optional. If we don’t find a user based on the criteria given, then we continue processing the receipt and award no user.
These user attributes are searched for in priority order.  First we check email, then phone, then third party id. If it matches with someone, then we stop right there.
If return_type is 4, 5, or 9, one value is required.
custom_data Attributes are predefined at CrowdTwist No Object Fields added to this will be stored in the database, but these fields must be known by CrowdTwist. If the fields sent in are not known by CrowdTwist, there will be a response of a 400 error. Refer to Custom Data Instructions for additional details.
items See the ITEMS ARRAY section. Yes Array (Item Objects)  
email_address No String This is the email associated with the member.
phone_number 1234567890 No String This is the phone number associated with the member.
third_party_id client_user_id123 No String This is the third party id associated with the member.
sku sku1 Yes String This is the universal id around an item. This will be the main way to identify a particular item during a purchase, bonus campaigns, product catalogs, and other item-level actions.
quantity 2 Yes Integer This is the number of items included in this item Array.
store_loc store1 No String Store location associated with purchase.
cashier_id cashier1 No String ID of cashier that helped with purchase.

The custom_data field will contain a list of key-value data pairs that are specified by the client.
• The value needs to be a string.
• The value needs to have less than a max character length of 512.
• Any attributes to be sent need to be known by CrowdTwist prior to integration.
• If there are key(s) that were not identified by the client to CrowdTwist, then the unknown key(s).
• “error”: “input_error”, “message”: “No custom attributes setup for client 12.”}.
• “error”: “input_error”, “message”: “Unrecognized attribute name bar for client 12.”}.


Response Body

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
receipt_id 15 Yes String This is the ID of the receipt record found in the CrowdTwist database that matches the “original_receipt_id” found in the return request.
is_excluded false Yes Boolean If the flag is true, the return is excluded from deducted points and the “points_deducted” field will be 0 for each item. This occurs if/when there is an exclusion rule to the return type that was sent in. For example, if “return without a receipt” is excluded, the flag will be true and all “points_deducted” will be 0 for every item in the return.
user_id 12 Yes String The id of the user record found in CrowdTwist’s system that correlates to the sent in CrowdTwist user id or to the sent in third party member identifying attributes within the user attributes object in the request.
total_points_deducted 624 Yes Integer The total number of points deducted after the return is complete.
breakdown See the BREAKDOWN ARRAY section. Yes Array The SKUs broken down by singular quantity and the points calculated for each singular quantity item.
sku SKU_1 Yes String The sku identifier that is the universal, unique identifier of the item.
points_deducted true Yes Boolean The number of points taken from the client for this one sku with one quantity.
date_points_awarded 2021-05-20T18:25:43.511-04:00 Yes String ISO-8601 compliant date of when the user was awarded for this sku purchase.
points_awarded 20 Yes Integer The number of points that were awarded to the user for this sku during time of purchase.

Error Responses

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
system PurchaseController Yes String Domain where the error occurred.
reason internal_error Yes String The identifier of the category of the error. This gives the client the ability to categorize errors and make assumptions based on the identifier of the error.
description Field value is empty. Yes String This is a short form description of the error.
message Value of field [\”receipt_id\”] must not be empty Yes String This is a detailed message around the error specifying, as specifically as possible, what the fields are that are missing or where exactly the error is.

Error Response Codes

Error Error Code Description Reason
Input Error 4xx Returned whenever the request is missing required fields, including situations in which the body is malformed (e.g. HTTP method not supported, receipt not found, etc.). – missing_data
– not_unique
– receipt_not_found
– invalid_amount
– invalid_currency
– invalid_date
– invalid_custom_field
– invalid
Server Error 5xx HTTP error status code is returned due to an error that occurred in the backend. – internal_error: unexpected error occurred in the CrowdTwist backend
– missing_field
– invalid_data
– not_configured: error occurs when an configuration has not been configured yet

Example Response Codes

Response Code System Reason Description Message
400 pos missing_data Required field is missing. Return must include valid user attributes.
400 pos quantity_too_large Return request Invalid Fields User is trying to return more items than the number that were bought and awarded for during purchase.
400 pos item_not_available Return request Invalid Fields SKU being processed for return but isn't available for return.
400 pos invalid Return request Invalid Fields Return ID is empty.


Sample Request Body

{ "return_id": 1234, "return_type": 1, "original_receipt_id": 15, "receipt_id": "receipt123", "date_returned": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "custom_data": { "store_loc": "store1", "employee_id": "employee_123" }, "items": [ { "sku": "sku_1", "quantity": 2 }, { "sku": "sku_2", "quantity": 1 } ] }


Sample Response Body

{ "receipt_id": 1234, "user_id": 1456, "is_excluded": false, "total_points_deducted": 20, "breakdown": [ { "sku": "SKU_1", "points_deducted": 10, "date_points_awarded": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "points_awarded": 10 }, { "sku": "SKU_2", "quantity": 10, "date_points_awarded": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "points_awarded": 10 } ] }


Sample Response Body - Exclusion on return type

{ "receipt_id": 1234, "user_id": 1456, "is_excluded": true, "total_points_deducted": 0, "breakdown": [ { "sku": "SKU_1", "points_deducted": 0, "date_points_awarded": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "points_awarded": 10 }, { "sku": "SKU_2", "quantity": 0, "date_points_awarded": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "points_awarded": 10 } ] }


Sample Response Body – Return without receipt

{ "receipt_id": null, "user_id": 1456, "is_excluded": true, "total_points_deducted": 20, "breakdown": [ { "sku": "SKU_1", "points_deducted": 10, "date_points_awarded": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "points_awarded": 10 }, { "sku": "SKU_2", "quantity": 10, "date_points_awarded": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511+00:00", "points_awarded": 10 } ] }


Sample Error Response

{ "system": "pos", "reason": "item_not_available", "description": "Required Request Invalid Fields.", "message": "SKU[123456] being processed for return but isn't available for return. " }


• What happens when someone returns an item whereby the original receipt has multiple entries for that one item?
This scenario can occur if, during purchase, the client sends in multiple receipt items with the same sku but different prices associated with them.
If the purchase was sent in with the same-sku items but different price amounts, the return API will choose the item with the higher point value to deduct from the user during a return.

• What happens when there are returns without an original receipt?
When processing a return the original return must be located either by providing the original_receipt_id or via lookup by using the user_attributes option. If no purchase can be located, the the return will not be processed.

• Can special fields (e.g. ‘order #’) be stored?
The custom_data field allows any field that is sent in to be saved in the CrowdTwist database as long as they were identified to CrowdTwist by the client in advance.