Use Coupon

Request Details

Item Value
Description This API endpoint allows clients to mark a coupon as “used”. This is particularly helpful for something like a manufacturer’s coupon.
Method POST
Endpoint https://[environment]api[client_id][api_key]
HTTP Header X-CT-Authorization = CTApiKey [API Key]
Note: there is a space between CTApiKey and the API Key value
Content Type application/json


Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
api_key QWERTY Yes String

Request Body

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
coupon_value 1X3FJ9K003 Yes String The value of the coupon being updated.
use_date 2023-05-20T18:25:43-04:00 No String Optional field to indicate when the code was used by the member.


Response Body

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
success true Yes Boolean True if the request was successful.
message Successfully submitted Yes String Response message for this request.

Error Responses

Field Name Sample Value Required Format Description
error internal_error Yes String The identifier of the category of the error. This gives the client the ability to categorize errors and make assumptions based on the identifier of the error.
message Coupon could not be found Yes String This is a detailed message around the error specifying, as specifically as possible, what the fields are that are missing or where exactly the error is.

Error Response Codes

Error Error Code Description Reason
Input Error 4xx Returned whenever the request is missing required fields, including situations in which the body is malformed (e.g. HTTP method not supported, receipt not found, etc.). – receipt_not_found
– invalid
Server Error 5xx HTTP error status code is returned due to an error that occurred in the backend. – internal_error: unexpected error occurred in the CrowdTwist backend
– not_configured: error occurs when an configuration has not been configured yet

Example Response Codes

Response Code Reason Message
404 not_issued Coupon has not been issued.
404 no_data Unable to find coupon.
400 input_error Coupon value is required.


Sample Request

{ "coupon_value": "JDSI2JE" }


Sample Response Body

{ "success": true, "message": "Successfully submitted coupon [JDS12JE] to be marked as used." }


Sample Error Response

{ "error": "not_issued", "message": "Coupon has not been issued." }