User Formatting Rules


    • Our system validates top-level domain (TLD) extension of a member’s email address. This is to ensure that only valid TLDs are used (i.e. .com, .net, .gov, .edu, etc.). .testest is not a valid TLD and will cause the User Create/User Update call to error.

    • There can only be one “@” symbol. The characters before the “@” symbol in the username must be in the set of alphanumeric values or “. _ % + -“; all other characters are disallowed. The characters after the “@” in the mail server must contain only alphanumeric values or “_ -“; all other characters are disallowed. A “.” must separate the mail server and top-level domain. Lastly the top-level domain must only contain 2-6 alphabetic characters. None of the email validation rules are case sensitive.
    • Allowed values
      • For username: alphanumeric or . _ % + –
      • For mail server: alphanumeric or –
      • or top level domain: alphabetic characters only
    • Email Address formatting errors
      • Plain address Missing @ sign and domain
      • #@%^%#$@#$ → Garbage
      • → Missing username
      • Joe Smith → Encoded html within email is invalid
      • → Missing @
      • → Two @ sign
      • → Leading dot in address is not allowed
      • → Trailing dot in address is not allowed
      • → Multiple dots
      • あいうえお → Unicode char as address
      • (Joe Smith) → Text followed email is not allowed
      • email@domain → Missing top level domain (.com/.net/.org/etc)
      • → Leading dash in front of domain is invalid
      • email@domain.web.web → Is not a valid top level domain
      • email@111.222.333.44444 → Invalid
      • → Multiple dot in the domain portion is invalid