Editing standard activities

You can edit standard activities to adjust the points that are granted or deducted for a specific activity, for example. You can also edit the display name, which is visible to the end user on the activity list and/or activities history. You can also select if you’d like the activity completion to be included in the member’s front-facing activity history.

To edit a standard activity:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Activities > Standard.
  2. Click the edit icon located in the right-most column of the standard activity that you want to edit.
  3. Make the modifications you want (example: update point values, display name).
  4. Click Preview.
  5. Click Submit.

There are select standard activities that are meant to only function with a formal integration to the following client partners:

  • BazaarVoice (ratings & reviews):
    • Reviewed a product
    • Answered a product question
  • OrderGroove (commerce subscription)
    • Started recurring product subscription
    • Placed recurring product subscription order

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Standard activities