Handling Errors

Overview of Error Responses

The full response payload provides both the HTTP status code and, in the case of error responses, the response body contains details about the error, as shown in the "Handling Errors" subsections of this topic.

Even in the case of a successful HTTP status code, the response body may contain additional details about whether your request was successful for individual records sent, as described in "Handling Recipient Errors".

Request-level Failure Errors

If a REST API request fails, the following error information is returned instead of the response described in previous sections. The format and description of the error codes are shown below.

	 "title" : <ERROR_TITLE>,
	 "errorCode" : <ERROR_CODE>,
	 "detail" : <DETAIL_MESSAGE>,
	 "errorDetails" : <FOR_FUTURE_USE>

Gateway server error when payload exceeds the maximum allowed size

If your payload exceeds the maximum allowed size, you will not receive send an error in the format shown above, because the request does not get passed to CX Audience by the gateway server. The gateway server will terminate the connection with the client application, and the client application will receive a SocketException error. Ensure that your payload size is 10 MB or less. One way to reduce the request payload size is by referencing HTML content instead of sending it as part of the payload.